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;What kind of music do you like ?;What kind of food do you like?;unhealthy;biscuits;fast food;;Read the first paragraph quickly and answer the question.;Reading strategy; There are many styles of English: to learn to “speak” English, read plays and novels that contain spoken language . And to learn to “write” English , read newspaper articles. Notice the difference.(有很多不同种类的英语:学习“说”的英语,看剧本和包含口语的小说。学习“写”英语,看报纸文章。注意区别。);Read Quickly :What’s the style of the article?;Some sentences and phrases in the reading, Unit 6;4.but to be honest, 5. it’s usually bad for you. 6. But I prefer not to eat too much food that is fried, like French fries. 7.And I stay away from sugar, 8…most people are in agreement … 9. I would say…;10. Actually, don’t you know that it’s been found in laboratory testing that some types of oil are really bad for us? 11.So I don’t eat anything that it’s been cooked in oil.;12.Did you know that some food might cause cancer? 13. I’ve heard eating burnt food like this can increase the risk of cancer. 14. But I love to eat meat that’s well cooked, even if it is a little burnt .;15. It’s not at all good for your health = It’s not good for your health at all. 16. But I think it’s also fine to eat some meat or fish. 17. People who eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers, shouldn’t they? 18. The main thing is to have a good balance.;Are the following statements true or false?;;; Tony said: Well, food that is bad for you can taste good! But I prefer not to eat too much that is fried, like, er, French fries. Do you eat fast food? Hm, yes. I’d stay away from cola and sweet desserts if I were you. And I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health. But , um, I would say that fast food itself isn’t always bad for you, but too much of it is not good.; Tony said:Well, I agree it’s good to eat lots of fruit and vegetables


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