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公开课教案 课 题Unit5 Look At The Monkey A let’s learn let’s play let’s try 课 型 新 授  教 学 目 标Listen and read the sentences “look at the … It’s...ing / The…is… / and can use them to talk with friends. Understand and say and write these words and sentences 3. Three skills for words and sentences: What is it doing ? It’s … 教学 重点 The use of the five words which are describing the direction. 教学 难点 Can use them to talk with friends. 教具、学具准备 Word cards ppt paster  教学时数 Forty minutes 教 师 活 动学 生 活 动Teaching steps: 一. Warm-up show the cards “can you spell these words quickly ? ” and students read some words about the picture, if right can get one points. (巩固上节课所学的单词,通过快速拼读和奖励的方法,在一开始就尽量调动学生的学习积极性。) 二. Preview 1. show the courseware: T says: there is a big party in the forest Let’s see, what can they do ? Show the sentences : There is a mouse in the box . There is a cat in the box . (在这里用动物的森林聚会,创设情景,作为引入,激发学生的兴趣。情境教学是英语新课程标准当中经常提到的非常合理的一种教学模式,把学生尽可能带入到这种模式当中,让他们把枯燥的学习当成一次轻松游戏。) 2. T: there are many animals in the forest, but they are different, let’s find out that what can they do? Point the kangaroo: what is the kangaroo doing ? then, Help Students Say , the kangaroo is jumping . T read the word and Ss follow him. teach others by the same ways. swimming running flying walking T stress the different about “jumping” and “swimming”. (作为考试当中经常出现的知识点,老师应当在第一时间给学生讲解清楚什么时候要双写尾字母再加ing) 4 . explain compose of the present progressive 5. have a match : fast remember. Flash some word on the screen quickly ,Ss read and spell , if right they can get a point. 4. practice: make the sentences use these words. (让学生把所学的知识点利用起来,能够灵活运用是英语学习的最终目的,这里安排的造句有利于学生边学边??,充分掌握所学内容。) 三. Presentation: 1. Let’s chant . 2. T: there are some pictures ,Then show the picture and sentence to fill in the blanks. Ss says that what is the animals doing? Same way to teach other sentences: Look at the It is 3. Let


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