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期中复习;2. The famous actor just finished ________his new movie. (make ) 3. Don’t spend much time ___________volleyball. (play) 4.Solina with her friends _________the Summer Palace.(visit) 5.Tommy is as __________as Scott.(thin) 6. We planned ______hiking next Sunday.(go ) 7..I’m thinking about _____________a very relaxing vacation .(have) 8。How many ______________does the baby have ?(tooth) 10.“I’m going to Tibet for a month,” “ That sounds ___________(well); 2 My mother wants me ?????? ????(drink) milk every day. 3You must ????? ??(exercise) every day. 4 I enjoy ????? ?????(listen) to this song. 5 He ???? ????? ?(have) a quick breakfast every morning. 6.She’s ???? ?????? (babysit) her little sister. 8 I ? ?(go) fishing with my father some days ago. 9 Tom is going ???? ??????(shop) with his parents. ;用所给单词的正确形式填空(每个单词只能用一次)。 ride,? visit? something? stay,? ? get , quiet,? join,? want? 1????????? Mom ________me to get up at 6:00 and play ping –pong with her. 2????????? Don’t _______stressed out. It’s not healthy. 3????????? Eat a balanced diet ________ healthy. 4????????? I like _________ my bike on weekend. 5????????? I can’t _______you because I have to help my mom. 6????????? My American friend is going to ________me next vacation. 7????????? I’m _________than she is. 8????? She shouldn’t eat ____.;VI 根据句子意思在每个句子的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。 1.T __________he is poor , I still want to make friends with him . 2.He takes the s___________ to get to school every day . 3. The bus ride usually takes about 30 m____________. 4.Every morning he has a q_________ breakfast and then goes to school. 5.He is jumping and singing the w________ day . 6. Sorry, I can’t .I have to study for the c_____________ test. 7.Can you come o__________ to my house to help me with my English? 8.You should write everything you have to do next week on the c__________. 9. I went to a chemist’s shop to get some m____________ for stomachache.;71.It’s


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