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 HYPERLINK / /  HYPERLINK / /  HYPERLINK / / /  HYPERLINK / / 春季保健花草茶配方与功效 春季适量喝点酒有利于养生,这对于平时喜欢喝酒的人来说无疑是一件大喜事,养生虽然可以喝酒但不宜狂饮大饮. Spring drink wine is beneficial to health, it is a happy event is undoubtedly like to drink of the people, keeping in good health while drinking but not binge drinking.  春季养生宜喝花草茶,常见的花草茶有哪些呢?下面给大家简述常见的春季养生花草茶。 Spring to drink herbal tea, what are some of the common herbal tea? To everybody below the common spring flowers and tea. 1、茉莉花茶 1, jasmine tea 生活小窍门 Life tips   茉莉花茶是用特种工艺茶或经过精制后的绿茶茶坯,与茉莉鲜花熏制而成的,经过加工后,可以减弱喝绿茶时的涩感,其滋味鲜浓醇厚,更易上口。茉莉花茶既保持了绿茶浓郁爽口的天然茶味,又饱含茉莉花的鲜灵芳香,还具有绿茶所没有的一些保健作用。据《中药大辞典》记载:茉莉花有“理气开郁、辟秽和中”的功效,并对痢疾、腹痛、结膜炎及疮毒等具有很好的消炎解毒的作用。春日常饮此茶,可安定情绪、清肝明目、生津止渴、通便利水、祛风解表、益气力、降血压、疗瘘、益齿、强心、防辐射损伤、抗癌、抗衰老,并对慢性胃病、肠胃不适、内分泌失调等症状有改善作用。 Jasmine tea is a special technique of tea or green tea green tea after purified, and smoked and jasmine flowers, after processing, can reduce the bitter drink green tea, the taste of fresh thick mellow, more easily. Jasmine tea can be refreshing natural green tea rich tea flavor, is full of jasmine fresh spirit aromatic, also has some health effects of green tea are not. According to the dictionary of Chinese medicine records: jasmine with qi stagnation, the provision of foul and effect, and has a good anti-inflammatory role of detoxification of diarrhea, abdominal pain, conjunctivitis and sore. Spring often drink this tea, emotional stability, Qinggan Mingmu, Shengjinzhike, convenient transportation of water, Qufeng solution table, Qi, blood pressure, treatment of fistula, Yi tooth, strong heart, anti-radiation, anti-cancer, anti-aging, and chronic gastritis, stomach discomfort, endocrine disorders and other symptoms have improved effect of.  2、蒲公英茶 2, dandelion tea 在开花前将蒲公英采摘、洗净,晒干切碎备用。饮用时,装入热水瓶中,冲入适量沸水,盖口闷15分钟左右,每日频饮。蒲公英味苦甘、性寒,含特有的蒲公英醇、蒲公英素以及胆碱、有机酸、菊糖、葡萄糖、维生素、胡萝卜素等多种营养成分,同时含有丰富的钙、铁、硒、钾等微量元素。据《本草纲目》记载,蒲公英可清热毒、化食毒、消恶肿。以蒲公英制茶饮用,有清热解毒,散结消痈之效,适用于春季流行性感冒、咽喉肿痛、高热、脑膜炎、全身酸痛、肝胆病等,能预防肺系感染,并可用于疮痈初起、局部红肿热痛、恶寒发热



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