Unit2 EnglisharoundtheworldPeriodⅡWarmingUpReading课件新人教版必修1.ppt

Unit2 EnglisharoundtheworldPeriodⅡWarmingUpReading课件新人教版必修1.ppt

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Unit2 EnglisharoundtheworldPeriodⅡWarmingUpReading课件新人教版必修1.ppt

教师用书独具演示;(3)通过对这些词汇的理解能够更深层次的理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练地运用这些词汇。 (4)通过对本课文的理解,让学生学会用英语写告示,以提高学生的书面表达能力。 ●教学地位 单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起着至关重要的作用,所以全面理解和正确运用英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。;●新课导入建议 老师让学生展示他们对英语语言的了解程度,可以通过表演等形式。;演示结束 ;1.more than超过,多于 Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?(P9)你知道英语不止一种吗? More than one person has made the suggestion. 不止一人提过这个建议。 Ill stay here not more than three days. 我将待在这里最多不超过三天。;more than后跟的词性不同,其意思也不同。 注意下列归纳: ①more than+数词,意为“比……多;???过”,相当于over。 ②more than+名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅”,相当于not only,表示程度和加强语气。 ③more than+形容词或副词,意为“十分;非常”。;④more than+动词,意为“岂止是……;不仅仅……”。 ⑤more than+从句,意为“比……更”。 ;Modern science is more than a large amount of information.现代科学不只是大量的信息。 I assure you I am more than glad to help you. 我向你保证我非常愿意帮助你。 The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. 那个地方美得我简直不可以言表。 He is more diligent than clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。;【教师备课资源】  ①no more than仅仅,不过 not more than不超过,至多 ②no more...than...和……一样不…… not more...than...不比……更…… ③more...than...比……更……,与其说……倒不如说……;③Dogs are more than a kind of pet to us;they are our friends. →Dogs are ________________a kind of pet to us;they are our friends. 【答案】 ①More than one ②very much ③not only;make/take a voyage进行航行 be on a voyage to正往……航行 go on a voyage去航行 The ship is not in a condition to make a long voyage. 这船不适于远航。 Im looking forward to going on a voyage. 我期待着去航海。;voyage;(2)because of因为,由于 Because of his long illness,he is backward in his studies.因为长时间生病,他的功课落后了。 The price of vegetables has been doubled because of bad weather.因为天气不好,蔬菜价格上涨一倍。 【提示】 because of和because都表示原因,但是because of是介词短语,后面接名词或代词等作宾语;而because是从属连词,引导原因状语从句;3.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.(P10)以英语作为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互理解。 (1)native adj.本国的,本地的n.本地人,本国人 This shop sells native produce. 这家商店出售土特产品。 Are you a native of Chinese? 你是土生土长的中国人吗?;be native to...产于…… a native of...是……的本地人 The giant panda is native to China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。 The kangaroo is a native of Aust



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