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Module 5 Unit 1 Reading (1) 江苏省栟茶高级中学 刘春侠 Teaching aims: 1. To help students read and understand two letters to a magazine advice columnist; 2. To help students develop the reading strategy: reading to understand feelings 3. To develop students’ reading skills such as predicting the gist, skimming, scanning, understanding and analyzing the feelings of a person. 4. To help students learn how to mend a broken friendship and how to make their friendship last long. Teaching aids: computer Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in Activate students’ schema by asking them the following questions: 1. What are the possible reasons for a broken friendship? 2. Who can we turn to for help when we have problems with our friends? [Explanation] 本环节引导学生通过自我反思和小组探讨的形式,来思考朋友间产生矛盾的各种原因以及矛盾产生后的求助途径,以学生的真实经历和体会导入阅读课,使学生对即将进行的阅读产生兴趣。另外,此环节中还要求各小组写??在交友过程中的困惑,并与其他小组进行交换。学生在理解完课文后,将利用所学为同学解决实际问题。这样,课堂教学层层推进,首尾照应,学生真正学有所获。 Step 2 Predicting Get students to read the titles of the two passages to predict the main idea of the letters. [Explanation] 通过阅读标题,培养学生预测文章大意的阅读技能。 Step 3 Developing reading strategy 1. Guide students to learn how to read letters: reading to understand feelings. 2. T guides Ss to take Sarah’s/ Andrew’s letters for example and understand the detailed information of the two letters. 3. Practice more by playing a game. [Explanation] 在教学中以理解作者的情感为主线,掌握阅读书信的策略以及速读、查读等阅读技能。 学生在回答问题的过程中,较好理解文章内容。游戏设置活跃课堂气氛,使学生在紧张的阅读中暂时放松,让学生感觉到阅读课也可以很有趣。 Step 4 Problem solving Task 1: Make up a dialogue with the desk mates, talking about what Sarah or Andrew’s problem is. Try to think of as much advice as possible to give either of them. Task two: Think of a recent quarrel with your friend and your feelings about it. Please write it down and you can ask your classmates/teachers for help. [Explanation] 在解决问题这一环节中,学生要运用所学,并联系旧知,在各小组中,通过合作完成两项任务。任务一着眼于学生所读的两封求助信,学生要充分思考,为两位深感困惑的青少年提出可行的建议;而任务二更具实际意义,各小组为其他小组的成员解决交友中的困惑。通过这一任务,学生间加强了合作,增进了理解,并更进一步明白了与人相处的道理。 Step 5 Conclusion The students will be gi


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