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 PAGE 34 石家庄科技信息职业学院 毕 业 论 文 题目:基于Android操作系统的足球小将手机游戏 摘要: 近年来,随着经济的日益发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,生活质量也在渐渐的改善。适当的游戏对人们的业余生活是不可必缺的。说到游戏,种类有好多种。在电脑游戏上的分类也很多。RCG(赛车游戏)、FTG(格斗游戏)、SPG(体育游戏)、RPG(角色扮演)、ACT(动作游戏)、AVG(冒险游戏)、PUZ(益智游戏) 等等。虽说繁多的游戏种类让人目不暇接,游戏的可玩性、可延续性和可对比性是益智类游戏深受各年龄阶层玩家欢迎的原因。当今网络发展迅速,益智类游戏被广泛运用到网络各大平台上。借鉴网络各大平台上的益智游戏,我利用java 、Android API语言开发了本游戏项目。我通过Eclipse 、Android SDK 利用Java语言编写的《足球小将》,在游戏中控制自己的球员击球、进门,达到一定分数获得胜利。 关键字: 足球小将;道具;声音;分数;关卡 ABSTRACT: In recent years, growing as the economy, improving peoples living standard and quality of life has also gradually improved. Appropriate games on people’s spare time are not lack of will. There are so many kind of game. Also the classification of the computer games. Such as RCG (racing game), FTG (Fighting Game), SPG (sports games), RPG (role playing), ACT (action game), AVG (adventure game), PUZ (Puzzle Games) and so on. Although there are too many kinds for the eye to take in. continuity and comparability is a popular puzzle game player of all ages welcome reason. The rapid developments of today’s networks, puzzle games are widely applied to various network platforms. I use Java, Android the API language development of the game project.I through Eclipse Android SDK Java language prepared by the football, in the game, players control their own hit the door, reaching certain scores victory. Key words: Football Soccer;Prop; sound; scores; levels 目 录 前言……………………………………………………………………3 相关研究综述…………………………………………………………5 研究的目标、内容与意义……………………………………………6 3.1 研究目标…………………………………………………………6 3.2 研究主要内容……………………………………………………6 3.2 研究的意义………………………………………………………6 Android程序设计相关技术概论……………………………………..8 4.1 XML界面布局………………………………………………….9 4.2 Android的Activity组件………………………………………9 4.3 SQLite数据库………………………………………………….9 4.4 Android 2D图形编程…………………………………………9 游戏研究的重点、算法与思路……………………………………… 10 5.1游戏研究的重点……………………………………………10 5.2游戏研究的算法……………………………………………16 5.3游戏界面………………………………………………20 5.4游戏的思路…………………………………………………26 论文总结…………………………………………………………… 28 参考文献…………………………………………


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