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英国文学考试 40选择 40 10搭配 20 2 简答 读选段回答问题 20 2 大答题 20 A卷 答案在outline中 莎士比亚名句 辨认出处 14行 2.谁的作品是关注 心理描写 资本主义非人性影响 劳伦斯(狄更斯 劳伦斯 哈代 gals) 3.丹尼尔笛福描绘什么阶层 主人公是谁 middle class 4.诗 独自幽居 华兹华斯 细节描写(她不为人知的生活着 段) She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways(l) 独自幽居 lucy 的诗 She dwelt among the untrodden ways hermi 隐士 trod踩踏、探索 reclusive 离群索居 dwelling宅邸、暂避之所 Beside the springs of Dove(2), A Maid whom there were none to praise And very few to love; one-sided love 暗恋 A violet by a mossy stone长满青苔的石头 Half hidden from the eye! Matepher○考 — Fair as a star, when only one Simile Is shining in the sky. She lived unknown, and few could know When Lucy ceased to be; But she is in her grave, and, oh, The difference to me! Me= one sided lover 怅然若失 伤感 5.斯威夫特 写作特点 So, in his writings, although he intends not to condemn but to reform and improve human nature and human institutions, there is often an under— or over tone of helplessness and indignation.坚定不移的改良大师 Swift is a master satirist. His satire讽刺作品 is usually masked by an outward gravity严肃 and an apparent earnestness热切 which renders his satire all the more powerful. 6.狄更斯哪部作品揭示非人性济贫院制度 olive twinst 7.经典爱情宣言 谁说的 (奥鱼片?简爱?呼啸山庄?远大前程?) 8.阿拉比 乔伊斯哪个故事集中的? 都柏林人 Dubliner 9.威廉布雷克 诗作 父亲国王是什么人物?(仁慈 崇拜 爱 暴君) 69. For William Blake, the father (and any other in whom he saw the image of the father such as God, priest, and king) was usually a figure of ________. A. benevolence B. admiration C. love D. oppression 10.奥鱼片 bennet夫人定位 Mrs. Bennet is a beautiful but empty-headed, snobbish and vulgar woman whose only goal in life is to marry her five daughters to rich, handsome young men. 11.狄更斯雾都孤儿 为什么被关起来? 12.马洛 mariow 激情的牧羊人至爱人 题材??位? (This short poem is considered to be one of the most beautiful lyrics in English literature. It derives from the pastoral 田园牧歌


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