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建筑工程质量管理研究 第  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 22页 摘 要 随着市场经济的发展,以质量为核心的非价格竞争越来越占有重要的地位,工程质量的好坏,将直接严重影响着建设企业的发展。如何搞好工程质量管理,使企业通过质量管理出信誉,最终出效益,是一个重要而又现实的问题。因此,只有对建筑工程项目质量管理进行科学的研究,才能不断探索符合自身施工项目的质量管理与控制模式,提高建设工程的质量水平,才能取得房屋建筑工程项目的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。建筑工程项目的质量管理是每个建筑施工企业质量管理工作的落脚点,本文对建筑工程质量主要存在的问题和影响质量的主要因素及相关理论作了介绍,并提出了切实可行的提高建筑工程质量管理的措施,具有一定的现实意义。? 关键词:工程质量,主要因素,相关理论,切实可行,调查研究 Abstract With the development of market economy, the non price competition which takes the quality as the core is more and more important, and the quality of the project will directly affect the development of the construction enterprise. How to do a good job of project quality management, so that enterprises through the quality of the credibility of the management, and ultimately the benefits, is an important and practical problem. Therefore, only through the scientific research on quality management of construction projects, to continue to explore with the quality management and control mode of the construction project, improve the quality of construction projects, in order to achieve housing construction project economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits. The quality management of construction project quality management is the work of each construction enterprises, the construction engineering quality problems and the main factors affecting the quality and related theories are introduced, and proposed to improve the construction of practical quality management strategy, has certain practical significance. Key words: project quality, main factors, related theory, practical and feasible, investigation and study 目 录TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l _Toc2993 1 绪论  PAGEREF _Toc2993 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc16595 1.1 研究背景和意义  PAGEREF _Toc16595 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc31234 1.1.1 研究背景  PAGEREF _Toc31234 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc2658 1.1.2 研究意义 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc5223 1.2 国


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