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; ;主格;Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend;New Words;New Words;;;★greengrocer n. 蔬菜水果零售商 在英文中,表示店铺、住宅、公共机构、公共建筑物以及教堂的名字或某人家时,名词所有格后常不出现它所修饰的名词: at the greengrocers at the butchers at the dentists at the hairdressers at the stationer’s at my mother’s ;★absent adj. 缺席的 be absent from 不在,缺席 be absent from school 缺课 be absent from work 旷工 她不喜欢上学,所以她经常缺课。 She doesn’t like school, so she is often absent from school. ;★keep v. (身体健康)处于(状况);保存,保留保守;储藏 翻译: 让火一直燃烧。 Keep the fire burning. 他保不住自己的工作了。 He would not be able to keep his job. 当我离开的时候,你能为我保管一下我的东西吗? Would you keep my things for me while I’m away? ;★spend v. 度过 ① v. 花(时间等);度过 spend + n./pron. 度过 我们要在我妈妈家呆几天。 We are going to spend several days at my mother’s. 我想这周末在乡下度假。 I want to spend my holiday in the country this weekend. ;② v. 用(钱),花费 spend 时间/金钱 + on +sth. 女人都花很多钱来买衣服。 Women spend a lot of money on clothes. 孩子们花费很多时间上网。 Children spend a lot of time on Internet.;spend 时间/金钱 +(in) doing sth. 在会上,经理用两个小时来解释这个计划 The manager spent 2 hours explaining the plan at the meeting. ;★country n. 乡村 ① n. 国家;国土;故乡 India, a former British colony, is now a fully independent country. 曾一度为英国殖民地的印度如今已是一个完全独立的国家。 ② n. 乡下,乡村 country表示“农村”时,前面一定要加定冠词the。 ③ adj. 乡下的;乡村风味的 I prefer country life to life in the city. 乡村生活与城市生活相比,我更喜欢乡村生活。 After nearly thirty years in the city, he’s still country. 他在城里住了将近三十年,可还是土气十足。 ;★lucky adj. 幸运的 ① adj. 有好运的,幸运的 她能得到这样一个报酬优厚的工作真幸运。 She was lucky to get such a well-paid job. ② adj. 侥幸的,碰巧的 他并非真知道答案——那不过是个侥幸的猜测。 He didn’t really know the answer - it was just a lucky guess. 他碰巧在这儿。 It’s lucky he’s here. ;;;She was a girl many years ago. She is an actor now.; He was a baby many year ago. He is a basketball player now.;; Grammer 一般过去时态:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态,过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为,过去主语具备的能力性格。 其基本结构为:主语+


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