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PAGE  摘 要 在各高校扩大招生的形势下,学生公寓管理的工作变得越来越繁重。采用传统的人工管理模式,效率低下,不能满足实际的需求。 本文描述的是基于Windows环境的学生公寓管理系统,该学生公寓管理作为学校后勤管理系统的一个分系统,可实现公寓管理的自动化。使用Visual Basic开发工具开发,应用Acess数据库管理系统。可以更快更方便地管理公寓住宿情况,提高公寓的管理效率,节约投资。 本篇论文以一个学生公寓管理系统的分析、设计和开发的全过程为主线,给出了学生公寓管理系统的设计和技术实现的过程,特别在细节上分析功能和函数的实现思想。涉及到学生公寓管理的基本功能在本论文中都有相应的描述。 关键词: 管理信息系统 学生公寓管理 数据库管理 ABSTRACT In the college enrollment expansion, the situation of the student apartment management is becoming more and more onerous. Using the traditional management mode, the artificially low efficiency, cannot satisfy the actual needs. The paper describes the Windows environment is based on students apartment management system, the student apartment management as a management system of school logistics system, which can realize the automation and network management of the apartment. Using Visual Basic application development tool, Acess database management system. Can be faster and more convenient to manage apartment hotel apartment, make the management efficiency is higher. In this paper, a student apartments management system analysis, design and development process as the main line, gives students apartments management system design and technical realization process, especially in detail analysis function and the realization of function. Involve the basic function of student apartments management in this thesis has a corresponding description. KEY WORDS: Information management systems,Student apartment management Datebase management 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc296427140第1章 绪 论  PAGEREF _Toc296427140 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc296427141第2章 需求分析  PAGEREF _Toc296427141 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2964271422.1系统需求  PAGEREF _Toc296427142 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2964271432.1.1系统目标分析  PAGEREF _Toc296427143 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2964271442.1.2功能需求分析  PAGEREF _Toc296427144 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2964271452.1.3性能需求分析  PAGEREF _Toc296427145 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2964271462


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