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安徽工业大学 毕业论文 PAGE  共25页,第PAGE 26页 毕业论文 农村信用社发展方向与模式研讨 摘要 本文在对我国农村信用社改革历史进行简要回顾以及对其现状进行细致分析的基础上,得出了我国农村信用社目前主要存在着产权不明晰、市场定位不明确、不良资产比例高等问题的结论。在农村其他金融主体逐步收缩基层网点、缩小支农范围的形势下,对农村信用社的进一步改革就显得十分必要而且迫切。在我国农村信用社改革试点过程中主要出现了三种模式,即以统一为县一级法人为主要特征的规范合作制、组建股份合作制的农村合作银行、组建股份制的农村商业银行。文中对每种模式自身的利弊进行了详细分析,并对每种模式改革的成功案例进行了研究。根据美国耶鲁大学休.T.帕特里克关于经济与金融之间关系的“需求追随”和“供给优先”理论,并在借鉴世界其他国家合作金融发展经验的基础上,本文最后得出了针对我国农村不同地区经济发展的特点及各地农村信用社不同的经营管理水平选择适合模式的改革设想,即在经济比较发达的东部农村地区组建为农村商业银行;在经济发展水平一般的中部城市近郊地区可以试行股份合作制;对于传统种植业、养殖业占有绝对比重以及西部老、少、边、穷的地区,应该继续保留合作制,但要建立真正意义上的合作金融机构。此外,本文还对与农村信用社改革休戚相关的风险防范、政策扶持、农村信用环境的完善等问题进行了简略的分析。 关键词:农村信用社 发展模式 合作制 农村商业银行 农村合作银行 Abstract On the basis of reviews of refornl history of rural credit cooperatives briefly and analysis to its current situation carefully,this article draws a conclusion that there are mainly three questions of rural credit cooperatives at present,which are indistinct property right,indeterminate market orientation and hiproportion of non—performing assets.At the situation that other financial institutions of countryside reducing of agency,dwlinding the range to range to support agriculture progressfully ,it is very essential and urgent to reform the rural cooperatives.There are three kinds of modes mainly in the pilot course of reform of cooperatives banks,setting up rural cooperatives bank and setting up rural commercial bank.Through analysis to pros and cons of each mode in detail and study to some successful case of them,this article lays for the foundation for the correct choice of reform mode that the rural credit cooperatives reform in the whole countryside.According to Hugh.T.Patrick’s theory of “demand-following” and “supply-leading” on the relation between economy and finance,and based on the experience of cooperative finance development in some other countries,this article finally comes to the conclusion that the choice of reform mode should take the characteristic of economi


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