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Review of the Simple Present Tense 一般现在时态复习 ; Review of the Simple Present Tense 一般现在时态复习 定义: 一般现在时。表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态 ;;Exercise 填上适当的be动词;1.表示现在的状态: e.g. He’s twelve. She’s at work. 2.表经常或习惯性的动作: e.g. I get up at 6:30 every day. He reads English every morning. 常用的状语:often , sometimes , usually , every day 等。 3.表主语具备的性格和能力等: e.g. She likes noodles. They speak French. 4.表示不受时间限制的普遍真理和自然规律: e.g. Two and four is six. The moon goes around the earth.;改错: 1. I has breakfast at school. 2. They are watch TV on Sunday afternoon. 3. Tom and Peter goes to school with each other. 4. She get up at seven o’clock. ;实义动词的一般现在时;当主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式有下列变化。; ;Complete the sentences. Use the simple present tense of the verbs in brackets;1. He ??????? to church on Sundays. A go? B . goes? C is going 2. Mom ???????me her new earrings every day. A show? B. shows? C. is showing 3. She ????????TV every night.?A. watches? B. watch C is watching 4. They ______the mountain every day. A climbs B climb C is climbing 5. Don’t shout! She ?____ now. A sleeping? B is sleeping? C sleeps 6. He ________? the picture now. A is painting? B paints? C is painting 7. Look! He ______? now. A dance? B is dancing? C dances;8. My parents ???????me to the park every week.? A. take? B. takes? C. are taking 9. That elephant ???????two big ears. A. have? B. has? C. are D is 10. My uncle? ?????????clothes every evening. A washes? B. is washing C. wash 11. I __________ a letter in the mail box now A putting?? B am putting? C put? 12. I ________? a fairy tale now.


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