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HY-0019Handling ComplaintsCS-0016 Page  PAGE 4 of  NUMPAGES 4 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURETASK: HOW TO SERVE “HUA TIAO WINE” 任务:如何服务花雕酒Task Number: 编号HY-0019Department: 部门FB – Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅Date Issued: 执行日期Jan. 2008 2008年1月Guest Expectation: 客户期望That Hua Tiao wine is served following the Chinese customs, efficiently by friendly, knowledgeable staff with a smile. 迅速有效的按中国传统习俗服务花雕酒 Time to Train: 培训时间20 minutes 20分钟 Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这个对你和我们的客人都很重要 Answers: 答案 To maximize guest satisfaction 最大化提升客人满意度 To ensure the guest receives the wine on time 确保客人及时得到酒水 To ensure the service staff is knowledgeable and confident serving Hua Tiao wine 确保服务人员专业自信的服务花雕酒 To ensure the proper customs of serving this wine is followed. 确保按传统习俗服务这种酒水 STEPS 步骤HOW/ STANDARDS 怎样做/如何做TRAINING QUESTIONS 培训提问Order the wine 点花雕酒Order the wine through the POS system and pick it up from the bar. 用POS系统点单,并从酒吧取酒Why should you order though the POS System? 为什么用POS点单?Proceed to the table 走近桌子With the bottle, wine pot and warmer filled 2/3 with hot water on a service tray. 将酒瓶、酒壶、装有2/3的热水的容器同时放在托盘上 Move to the host of the table and show the bottle of wine with the label facing the guests. 将酒瓶贴有标签的一面朝向客人 Say: “Here is your Hua Tiao wine sir / madam or Mr. / Mrs. XXX” 说:“这是您的花雕酒,XXX先生/女士”(DRILL LANGUAGE) Why should you take all equipment to the table? 为什么要将所有的器具放在桌子上? Why should you use a service tray? 为什么要使用托盘服务? Why is the warmer filled with hot water? 为什么要在容器中放入热水? Why should you show the bottle to the host? 为什么要向主人展示酒瓶?Open the bottle 开启酒瓶The bottle should be opened in front of the guest after the label is shown 在展示酒标后再当??客人打开 Cut the foil, remove the cork and wipe the top of the wine bottle with waiter’s towel. 取掉金属膜,打开瓶塞并用服务手巾擦试瓶口 Pour Hua Tiao into wine pot. 将花雕酒倒入酒壶 Put wine pot into warmer with hot water to make the wine warm. 将酒壶放入带有热水的容器中加热Why should the bottle be opened in front of the guests? 为什么


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