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  第一次 动词短语   clean the floor 扫地   clean the house 打扫房间   collect stamps 集邮   co;me back 回来   come from 来自……   come here 来这里   come in 进来   come on 过来/加油   come;to tea 来喝茶   cook the meal 煮饭   crash into 撞向   dig a hole 挖坑   do housework 做家务;  do morning exercises 晨练   do one’s homework 做作业   do some reading 读点书   do sp;orts 做运动   draw a picture 画画   drink some water 喝些水   drive a car 驾车   fall over;跌倒   fill the hole with earth 用泥土填坑   get off 下车   get out of 走出(……之外)   go and;have a look 去看一看   go back 回去   go boating 去划船   go fishing 去钓鱼   go for a walk;去散步   go home 回家   go on a diet 节食   go out 出去   go shopping 去购物   go sightseei;ng 去观光   go skating 去溜冰   go skiing 去滑雪   go straight on 直走   go swimming 去游泳   ;go to bed 去睡觉   go to school 去上学   go to the cinema 去看电影   go to work 去上班   have;a bath 洗澡   have a Chinese lesson 上语文课   have a cold 感冒   have a fever 发烧   hav;e a good time 玩得开心   have a headache 头痛   have a look 看一看   have a picnic 举行野餐活动;工   have a rest 休息   have a stomachache 胃痛   have a tooth-ache 牙痛   have a trip;去旅游   have a try 试一试   have been to 到过   have breakfast 吃早餐   have fun 玩得开心   ha;ve lunch 吃午饭   have some coke 喝些可乐   have supper/dinner 吃晚饭   have time 有时间   ju;st a minute 等一下   just now 刚才   keep a diary 记日记   let me see 让我想一想/让我看一看   list;en to music 听音乐   listen to the CDs 听CD 碟   listen to the radio 听收音机   make frie;nds 交朋友   make the bed 整理床铺   mark the pupils’ homework批改作业   next to 下一个   no p;roblem 没问题   paint a picture 涂画   pick up 捡起   plant trees 种树   play badminton 打;羽毛球   play basketball 打篮球   play cards 打牌   play football 踢足球   play games 玩游戏  ; play table tennis 打乒乓球   play tennis 打网球   play the guitar 弹吉他   play the piano;弹钢琴   put away 放好   put on 穿上   put the tree into the hole 把树放进洞里   ride a bike;骑自行车   see a film 看电影   surf the Net 上网   take a message 传递信息   take exercise 进;行锻炼   take medicine 服药   take off 脱下   take photos 照相   turn off 关闭   turn on 打开;  wait a moment 稍等一下   wait for 等候   wash clothes 洗衣服   wash dishe


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