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第 33 卷第 1 期 长春中医药大学学报 Vol.33 No.1
2017 年 2 月 Journal of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine Feb.2017
郭 倩 1, 谈 勇 2*
(1. 南京中医药大学 , 南京 210029;2. 江苏省中医院,南京 210029)
摘要 : 谈勇教授以滋阴补阳方序贯为基础 , 结合女性生殖内分泌特点 , 衷中参西 , 未病先防 , 既病防变 , 治
疗卵巢功能不全性不孕症。在辨病辨证之余 , 注重调体治病 , 强调个体化用药 , 同时不忘奇经在不孕症治疗中的
作用 , 临床诊治本病取得较好的疗效。
关键词 : 原发性卵巢功能不全;滋阴补阳方序贯法;谈 勇
中图分类号 :R246.3 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :2095-6258(2017)01-0071-03
Professor TAN Yong’s therapeutic experience on infertility due
to primary ovarian insufficiency
GUO Qian1, TAN Yong2*
(1.Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029, China;
2. Jiangsu Province Hospital of TCM, Nanjing 210029, China)
Abstract : Professor TAN treats infertility with primary ovarian insufficiency on the basis of sequential therapy of
nourishing yin and supplementing yang of traditional Chinese medicine intervention,combines with the characteristics
of female reproductive endocrine,and integrates Chinese and western medicine,pays attention to prevent from
disease,prevent exacerbates.Professor TAN isn’t only applying differentiation of disease and syndrome of TCM,but
also emphasize individualized therapies,as well as the important role of eight extra-channel,which should be promoted
and extended .
Keywords :primary ovarian insufficiency;sequential therapy of nourishing yin and supplementing yang;TAN