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一.确定目标 ★ 知识目标: 词汇:gallery, exchange, fascinating 短语:get away from, a great many 日常用语: Am I right in thinking (that)…? / To do well / Congratulations! / We make it… 能力目标: 能在句子或文段中正确使用but和and; 明确日常用语的意思并学会正确使用; 调查自己所住地区的情况,并用英语作一个报告。 情感目标: 培养热爱家乡的情感,增强合作意识。 二.基础自学 根据括号内所给的汉语意思完成句子。 1. Only a few people (幸存)in that terrible accident. 2. When we go abroad, we have to (兑换)Renminbi for foreign currencies. 3. When I climbed up the Great Wall, I found a great many foreign (游客). 4. For further details, please (联系) the local office. 5. Although he has never got a chance to study in a professional school, he is valued a lot for his perfect (手工) skills. 6. According to a recent (调查),there will be far more boys than girls in twenty years. 7. There are more than one hundred (人家) in this small village. 8. Don’t (打扰) me. I’m busy now. 三.情景解疑 1. 连词小结: 连词分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。连接等同成分的词是并列连词,等同成分可以是单词、短语、分句或句子。连接两个句子时则构成并列句。 and与 but 是并列连词。and是表示平行或对等关系的并列连词,连接的两个成分对等且意义一致;but 是表示转折关系的并列连词,连接的成分对等但意义相反。 2. exchange vt. n. 交换,互换 in exchange for… 作为交换的条件 exchange … for … 以…交换… exchange … with … 同…交换… 3. mean to do sth. 打算做某事 mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 4. get away from 逃离,摆脱 5. fascinating adj. 迷人的,吸引人的 fascinated adj. 被吸引住的,被迷住的 【活学活用】用 fascinate 的适当形式完成句子。 ①What me most about the girl is her accent. Where does she come from? ②I was to find that he has lost weight. ③The listeners found his story . 6. contact vt. /k?nt?kt/ n. /k?nt?kt/ 联络,联系 be in contact with 与…保持联系 make / lose contact with 与…取得/保持联系 四.合作探究 用本模块Everyday English所学的日常用语补全对话。 1. —Alice, I have started a new company. — . 2. — that you’ve lived in London all your life? — Yes, I was born in London. 3. —Sorry, sir. I was trapped in the traffic jam. , I… —OK, hurry up. The meeting has been on for 5 minutes. 4. —Does h


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