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1.marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为“结婚;嫁;娶;与……结婚”等。 1)marry sb.表示“嫁给某人;与……结婚”等。 This letter is from the young man Im going to marry. 这封信是我要与之结婚的那位小伙子寄来的。 2)be/get married to sb.表示“与某人结婚”。 After living in the United States for five years, she got married to an American last month. 在美国生活了五年后,她于上个月嫁给了一个美国人。;3)marry sb. to sb.表示父母“把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇,为某人主婚”等。 The parents married their daughter to a rich man she did not love. 这对父母把女儿嫁给了一个她并不爱的富人。 ;注意: 1)marry不与介词with连用。 她和一位英国人结了婚。 【误】She married with an Englishman. 【正】She married an Englishman. 【正】She was/got married to an Englishman.;2)若问某人是否结婚,而又不涉及结婚对象时,可用be/get married形式,相当于系表结构。 你结婚了吗? 【误】Do you marry/Have you married? 【正】Are you married/Have you got married? 3)marry是非延续性动词,因此不可接一段时间作状语,但be married为系表结构,因此这个词组可以接一段时间作状语。表示“他已经结婚五年了”可以用下列表示法: ①He married five years ago. ②It is(has been)five years since he got married. ③He has been married for five years.;即学即用 —Are you related to the lady? —Yes, she________my cousin. A.married with married C.married to married to 答案:D;2.desert 1)n. 沙漠 Vast areas of land have become desert. 广大的地区均已变成沙漠。 2)v.离弃(某一地方/某人);放弃;遗弃;抛弃;擅自离开(尤指军中或船上的职守);逃跑;潜逃 ①The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area. 全村人都匆匆走了,或许因为该地区有恐怖分子。 ②His courage of mind deserted him. 他丧失了勇气。 注意:dessert意为“甜点”。;知识拓展 deserted adj.(多作表语与定语)无人的;荒废的;空了的;被离弃的;被抛弃的 ①She was afraid to walk down on a deserted street at night. 他晚上不敢在无人的大街上走路。 ②The deserted house fell into ruins. 空屋子成了废墟。;即学即用 遭??抛弃的孩子被当地人收留了。 The________child was received by the local people. 答案:deserted ;3.character n. [C]人物,角色,汉字,字符;[U,C]性格,特征 ①They are the two main characters in the play. 他们是该剧中的两个主角。 ②There are only four characters in the play. 这出戏中只有四个角色。 ③He wrote in bold characters. 他用粗体字书写。 ④She has a strong character. 她性格坚强。;⑤The twins looks alike but they have very different characters. 这对双胞胎长得很像,但性格很不同。 ⑥He described the character of the character he palyed with two Chinese characters. 他用了两个汉字来描绘他所扮演的角


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