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Module 6--Films and TV Programmes;Homework-checking;Learning aims;1.副词的分类 ;2)副词按照其句法功能,一般分为以下3类: 一疑问副词: how, when, where, why 放在特殊 疑问句句首。 关系副词:when, where, why, 引导定语从句。 连接副词:how, when, where, why, whether, 引导 名词性从句。 ;3)拓展:副词的构成; ③ 注意以下副词的不同意义:;1) 频度副词通常放在be动词、情态动词之后,行为动词前面: a) 我几乎从未听他唱过歌。 I hardly ever heard him singing. b) 他们偶尔看见他在河边散步。 They occasionally saw him walking along the river bank. 练习: 他很少回故乡去。 He went back to his hometown.. ;如果句子里有情态动词、助动词或动词be, 就放在这类动词的第一个的后面: a) 这一点你要经常记在心里。 You must always keep this in mind. b) 你经常去看电影吗? Do you often go to the cinema? 练习:他开会从不迟到。 He has been late for the meeting. 她很少生病。 She is ill. ;2) 程度副词一般都放在它所修饰的词的前面: a) 我对我所说的话感到万分抱歉。 I am terribly sorry for what I said to you. b) 他不完全同意你所说的话。 He doesn’t quite agree with you. 练习:我们已全部完成了这项工程。 We have finished the project. . ;3) 疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词和形容句子的 副词,常都放在句子(或从句) 的开头。 a) 昨天买的书你觉得怎么样? How do you like the book you bought yesterday? b) 显然,这位出租车司机应该为这起事故受到 责备。 Obviously the taxi driver is to be blamed for the accident. 练习: 我们的确应该尽力帮助这个孩子。 we should try our best to help this child.;4) 方式副词通常位于动词(和宾语)的后面: a) 她做什么事都很细心。 She does everything carefully. b) 最后,他成功地通过了考试。 In the end he passed the exam successfully. 练习: 他待人总是很粗鲁。 He is always treating other people. ;几个副词同时出现在一个句子中,一般的次序是:方式副词+地点副词+时间副词 (时间副词也可置于句首)。 昨天10点的时候他们正在田野里辛勤劳动。 They were all working hard in the fields at 10:00 yesterday. 翻译句子:汤姆叔叔于1980年突然在巴黎去世。 ;Grammar 2;Read the sentences and answer the questions A. We always watch telly in the morning as we eat our breakfast in the kitchen. B. I watch films all the time at the weekends. C. I saw a brilliant one yesterday. D. Everyone in it acts so brilliantly. 1. Is brilliant an adjective (describing


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