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PAGE  PAGE 8 地电成像法在岩土工程勘察中的应用 —以西虎岭景区岩土工程勘察为例 李军1,常利敏1,邓小宁2,李靖辉1 河南省核工业地质局,河南 信阳464000;2.核工业工程勘察院,河南 郑州,450002) 摘 要:地电成像法,是在普通电法装置的基础上,进行高密度的数据采集,形成一个高密度的、内容丰富的视电阻率剖面。通过地电数据分析、处理,可以客观、真实地反映地质体的一些基本特征。由于其具有高效、快捷的勘探优势,近年在岩土工程勘察中应用也越来越广泛,本文以西虎岭景区勘察为例,简要介绍了地电成像法在岩土工程勘察中的应用。实际应用表明,该方法所得结果真实、可靠;在查明岩溶洞穴、断层、破碎带等不良工程地质现象方面具有很大的实用价值和推广意义。 关键词:地电成像法;岩土工程勘察;溶洞; The Geoelectricity Imaging used in Geotechnical Engineering Investigation —Take the Scenic Area of Xi Hu Ling as an example LI Jun1, CHANG Li-Min1,DENG Xiao-Ning2, LI Jing-hui1 (1. Henan Province Geological Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Xinyang, HN 464000, Henan Province, China ;2. The Institute of Engineering and Exploration of Nuclear Industry, Zhengzhou, HN 450002, Henan Province, China) Abstract: The geoelectricity imaging is based on the ordinary electric device and performs high-density data collection, froming a high-density and rich-content resistivity section. It can reflect the basic characteristics of geologic body objectively and exactly through the analysis and processing of the geo-electric data. As it has high efficiency and high resolution power, it has been more and more widely used in geotechnical engineering investigation in recent years. This paper takes the geotechnical engineering investigation in the Scenic Area of Xi Hu Ling as an example, briefly introducing the application of the geoelectricity imaging in the use of geotechnical engineering investigation. The real application showed that the results from this method were real and reliable and this method had great practical value and promotion significance in the identification of bad engineering geological phenomenon such as karst caves, faults, fracture zone, etc. Key Wordword: geoelectricity imaging; geotechnical engineering investigation; cave 1 前言 我国碳酸岩分布十分广泛,在此地区实施岩土工程勘察作业,一定先要查清基岩中是否有岩溶发育及溶洞的分布范围。以往勘察,常以单一手段(勘探作业)实施,不但工程造价高,工期长,而且很难达到预期效果。近年来,一种新型物探手段地电成像法在岩土工程勘察中的运用,大大改变了这种被动局面,两种方法互补互译,取得了很好的勘察效果。不但大大降低了工程成本,而且工作效率高、方便快捷,提交


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