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浅谈农村城市化进程中存在的问题及建议 学号: 姓名: 摘 要 随着社会经济全球一体化的发展,城市化在中华大地上迅速展开,成为经济社会发展的一道亮丽景观。改革开放30多年来,我国城市化制约因素正逐步被改善,如制约城市发展的户籍、保障等制度正逐步被完善,经济建设和城市发展取得了重大成就。2011年底,中国城市化水平超过50%,标志着中国城市化发展进入一个全新的历史时期,人们对城市化的发展内涵和目标提出了更加严格的要求,引起了广大国内外学者对中国城市化的关注与研究。目前,我国城市化进程中显现的弊端已经阻碍了经济社会的进一步发展,对城市化问题的研究也即探讨经济社会的相关问题。 关键词:农村;城乡发展;城市化进程 Abstract With the rapid development of the global integration of economy and society, the rapid expansion of city in China, has become a beautiful landscape of economic and social development. 30 years of reform and opening up, Chinas city of constraints is gradually being improved, such as restricting the development of the citys household registration, security system is gradually being improved, economic construction and city development has made significant achievements. By the end of 2011, Chinese city level exceeded 50%, marking the China city development entered a new historical period, people put forward more strict requirements on the development of connotation and goal of the city, caused the attention and research the majority of domestic and foreign scholars on the Chinese city. At present, our country city in the process of emerging defects have hindered the further economic and social development, research on city problems or issues related to economic and social. Key words: rural areas; rural development; city development 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \u 一、绪论  PAGEREF _Toc380958511 \h 1 二、农村城市化进程的理论概述  PAGEREF _Toc380958512 \h 2 (一)城市化的的定义  PAGEREF _Toc380958513 \h 2 (二)农村进行城市化发展的促进因素  PAGEREF _Toc380958514 \h 2 1.农业发展的支撑  PAGEREF _Toc380958515 \h 2 1.2.2 工业化的拉动  PAGEREF _Toc380958516 \h 3 1.2.3 市场化的促进  PAGEREF _Toc380958517 \h 3 1.2.4 政府的推动  PAGEREF _Toc380958518 \h 3 三、农村城市化进行中存在的问题分析  PAGEREF _Toc380958519 \h 5 (一)我国城市化总体水平依然较低  PAGEREF _Toc380958520 \h 5 (二)城市化发展规模控制不合理  PAGEREF _Toc380958521 \h 5 (三)城市化进程中的城乡差距进一步扩大  PAGEREF _Toc380958522 \h 6 四 星期六女鞋新品牌策略研究  PAGEREF _Toc380958523 \h 8 (一)增强管理层的品牌管理意识  PA


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