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— PAGE 58 — — PAGE 59 — 温州区域性资本市场研究 承担单位:中国人民银行温州市中心支行 课题组长:周松山 温州市中心支行党委委员 成 员:周 智 周海成 南单婵 二OO五年十月 中 文 摘 要 由于区域经济发展需要各种生产要素在一个统一、开放的市场中自由流动,其中一个很重要的条件就是资本的积累、吸纳和产出能力,区域性资本市场所发挥的作用就直接体现在资本的吸纳环节,并对资本的积累和产出环节产生一系列的连锁反应,因此建立一个规范运行、健康发展的区域性资本市场对区域经济的整体性发展发挥巨大的推动作用。同时,区域性资本市场也是完整的资本市场中不可缺少的基础板块,由于我国目前存在的主板市场和中小企业板市场不能充分有效地配置民间资本,所以必须建立规范的区域性资本市场,才能最大限度地激活民间资本,为区域经济的健康发展提供资金支持。 建立温州区域资本市场的必要性,体现在解决温州市民营企业融资难问题、促进融资结构优化、规范和引导民间借贷市场、改善温州金融生态环境等方面;可行性是由温州良好的微观经济基础、发达的金融市场、强有力的政府支持等方面决定的。同时,当前资本市场处于改革和发展关键时期也给我们带来了有利的宏观政策背景。温州区域资本市场的建设目标是,激活温州现有的金融市场主体,创新各种交易工具和交易方式,在规范管理的条件下,为温州民间资本投融资创造良好的金融生态环境。其途径主要有发行中小企业短期证券和市政证券、发展温州人的股票市场、产权交易中心的独立化、通过转化本地银行和外地引进的方式建立投资银行等。 关键词:区域资本市场 发展创新 战略思考 Abstract Free flowage of various production factors in a unitive and open market is essential to economical development. One of the most important factors is capital. Regional capital market can exert an important function of capital absorption and galvanize the chain reaction of capital accumulation and capital output. Therefore to set up a standard and healthy regional capital market can enormously promote the development of the whole regional economy. At the same time, regional capital market is an indispensable basic component of an integrated capital market. Because currently the Mainboard market and Small and Medium Enterprises Board market in China can’t allocate the private capital efficiently, a normative regional capital market should be set up through which to activate private capital to the limit and provide the economical development with enough capital. The necessity of building up Wenzhou regional capital market lies in several aspects: to settle the difficulties of private enterprises financing, to facilitate the optimization of financing structure, to standardize and pilot non-governmental loan market and to improve the Wenzhou financial ecologic environment,etc., while the feasibility of building up the market lies in Wenzhou’s favorable microeconomic eleme


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