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牛津教材S1A Unit 6 More ReadingBalancing world diets松江二中 朱静华Today, in Western counties, weight problems, hear disease and many forms of cancer are becoming more and more common. In Asian, such kinds of health problems are not as common as in Western countries. Asians appear to live longer as well. Their diets might account for these differences.Asian diets generally have less meat and few dairy products. Eggs and chicken are eaten only a few times a week. Sweet food is eaten only in moderation. In contrast to westerners, Asians eat much rice and noodles. Leafy vegetables like cabbage are on the menu of most Asian meals. Fresh fruit is eaten many times a day. Soya products are often used in cooking. Eating such a variety of food helps Asian people stay healthy. The methods of preparing meals are also different. Vegetables oils are commonly used in Asian cooking. In comparison, butter is used more often in Western cooking.However, fast-food restaurants and Western-style eating patterns have become more common in Asian. This leaves fewer differences between Western and Asian diets. Asians whose diets are like westerners’ experience more disease and weight problems. Fortunately, many Asians who are aware of this development are paying closer attention to their diets than ever before.Teaching PlanTeaching aims:To help students learn the key phrases in the text, such as account for, in moderation, in contrast to, in comparison, and pay closer attention to.To help students know the benefits of Asian diets compared with Western diets.To urge students to have Asian diets and pay more attention to their diets.Teaching procedures:I. Lead in. Draw students’ attention to the difference between Asian diets and Western diets. Questions: 1. Which do you think are more likely to be on the menu of t Asian meals? 2. Suppose you are hungry. Which food will you go for? 3. Which diet do you think, generally speaking, is the better, the Asian diets or the Western diets?II.


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