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B级考试写作重点文体 格式和范文;;1、备忘录(Memo) ;2、电子邮件(E-mail);3、书信(Letter);4、通知(Notice);5. Fax (传真);6、电话留言(Telephone Message);考试经典;Notice ;2、;Key to 2;Exercise 3;Key to Exercise 3;4、请根据下面的提示,用英文写一份通知; 4、Notice ;; 5. Notice Attention please.A very important lecture will be given. Speaker:A famous professor,Mr. John Smith Time:7 p.m.Next Friday Place:the Lecture Hall Subject: The World Economic Development and the Future of the Chinese Light Industry after Chinas Entering WTO. Time and place for tickets:7 p.m. to 9 p.m. per day, Room 203 in Building 5. Person in charge: Li Ming a The Students Union June 10h, 2008;;写信;63、;64、;;;;;65. Writing;Exercise 3;Key to Exercise 3;;;Part Ⅴ Writing (15 minutes) Directions: The following is a contribution (征稿) on English Corner in a Chinese local newspaper. Put both the introduction and the contributions into English. 征稿启事 “英语角”在大学生专刊上刊发后,受到广大英语读者的广泛关注和欢迎。为刊发更多更好的优秀英文作品,我们特向社会各界征集稿件。我们欢迎大学生、广大英语学习者外国留学生及外国朋友们踊跃投稿。 1.一则简短的故事; 2.发生在你身边的趣事。 文章字数不要超过500字。 来稿请寄:北海市新民大街10号北海晚报王平收 邮编:230034 电子邮件:Monuica@ Words for reference:各界 all walks of life; Contributions Wanted After “The English Comer” was published in the special issue of the College Students,it has been showed much interest and welcomed widely by a great number of English readers.To provide it with more and better English writings,we would like to ask for contributions from readers from all walks of life.College students,English learners,foreign students and foreign friends are all welcome. 1) A short story; 2) Interesting things happening around you. Remember your w


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