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温馨提示;课前检查;课前复习;1.今天….讨论了有关….的问题/如何干…,同学们热烈发表了评论和表达了自己的看法。他们主要以下有两种不同的意见。 2.支持者认为克隆利大于弊。 3. 其他人反对克隆,认为克隆会导致动物早衰、夭折。 4. 我认为….. ;;补充拓展——it作形式主(宾)语;补充拓展——倒装;补充拓展——倒装;学习目标;;1. He came to life and found himself in hospital. What the doctor did brought him back to life. 2. pay off the debt All his hard work has paid off. He passed the exam. 3. I can’t resist opening the gift. resistance n. He can’t resist the temptation to have another glass of wine. 4. Would you mind opening the window? Would you mind my/me opening the window? Yes, I am afraid I do. No, of course not./No, go head. ;A differs from B in sth= A is different from B in sth= A has differences from B in sth differ from/with sb about/on sth. 在某事上与某人意见不同 2. object to sth/doing sth = have objections to … 3. ①bother sb. / oneself ②bother to do / doing 4. ①欠某人钱 owe sb sth=owe sth to sb ②把..归功于.. owe sth to sb ③ owing to… 由于… 5.unsertake sth 记意思与不规则变化 6. ①forbid sb to do sth→ sb be forbidden to do禁止某人干某事 ②forbid sth/doing sth 禁止某事 (联系allow) 7. resist sth/doing sth 反对某事/干某事 can’t resist/help doing 禁不住干某事 8. sb be cast down 某人沮丧;① Sth pay off 某事取得好结果 ②pay off sth 偿清某物 pay back …偿还 pay money for sth 为某物付款 2. are in favor of 支持;赞同 3. was bound to 一定 4. strikes …into people’s hearts 把…敲进了人们的心里=让人们对…刻骨铭心 5. From time to time; be brought back to life 时不时地; 被复生 6. in vain 徒劳无功 7. in good condition 状况良好 8. was more appropriate to 更符合…;; 讨论:Cooperation and discussion;Brilliant presentation;【预习自测】 1) from/with; on/about 2) in 2. can’t resist making jokes 3. me opening the window 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 当堂检测 DBBDC ;Because there are many shortcomings in exam-oriented education, we are all against it. At present, students have had more free time since the Quality-oriented Reform was carried out in Shandong province. In this situation, our school has adopted a new teaching method─ Group Cooperative Learning. But some students ca


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