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PAGE  PAGE - 6 - Unit 3 Back to the past每课一练2 牛津版必修3                     基础落实 Ⅰ.单词检测 1.v.控诉________ 逐渐消失________ 起作用________ 2.n.编辑________ 显示器;班长________ 重要性________ 3.adj.电的________ 连续发生的________ 最重要的,主要的________ Ⅱ.短语检测 1.最后但同样重要的    ________________ 2.写信给某人 ________________ 3.与……连接 ________________ 4.状况不佳 ________________ 5.半小时 ________________ 6.更新设备 ________________ Ⅲ.语境填词 1.This entrance is in ________ (不断的) use;do not block it. 2.Teachers always ________ (监督) students’performance at school. 3.Which ________ (按钮) do I press to turn the radio on? 4.Why not connect the ________ (打印机) with your computer? 5.This dictionary is available in ________ (电子的)form. 6.They attached very great ________ (重要性) to the project. 7.There are many ________ (老鼠) in the old house. 8.The ________ (采访) was published in all the papers. Ⅳ.选词填空 play an important role in,make a profit,set up,refer to,send...to...,manage to do,be made from,last but not least 1.When I said some people were stupid,I wasn’t ________________ you. 2.Teachers ________________________ the learning process. 3.The natural plastic materials ________________ beans. 4.They ________________ of ten yuan on every copy they sold. 5.And __________________ there is the question of adequate funding. 6.The government has ____________ a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse. 7.His mother ________ him ________ the shop to get some bread. 8.We ________________ get to the airport in time. Ⅴ.完成句子 1.已表明事故的责任在司机。 ____________________ that the accident resulted from the driver. 2.一个月以后,他们的食物供给消耗殆尽了。 After a month their food supplies ______________. 3.这两种观点关系密切,应该放在一起对待。 The two ideas ________________________,and should be dealt with together. 4.男子决赛提前到1∶30。 The men’s final ______________________ 1∶30. 5.一到北京,我们就去游长城了。 ________________________,we went to visit the Great Wall. Ⅵ.单项填空 1.—It is going to rain. —It doesn’t matter.He is ________ prepared for it. A.very


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