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PAGE  PAGE - 5 - Unit 3 Back to the past每课一练 牛津版必修3 基础落实 Ⅰ.根据英语释义,写出相应的单词 1.________:the act of making something publicly available 2.________:watched and checked 3.________:extremely good 4.________:not ordinary or usual 5.________:to affect with wonder,to astonish 6.________:the state of being actual or real 7.________:a number of computers that are connected together 8.________:safe Ⅱ.同义词语替换 1.We have_confidence in our future.______________ 2.There are still a few disadvantages of the new products.______________ 3.All 14 wounded soldiers were later discharged from hospital.______________ 4.Let’s enjoy the pleasure we had at the moment.______________ 5.He was charged_for stealing other’s necklace.______________ Ⅲ.完成句子 1.护士经常要监视病人的情况。 Nurses constantly need to __________________________________. 2.这台???脑状态很糟糕,该是我们买新电脑的时候了。 The computer is in bad condition and __________________________ we bought a new one. 3.这不仅对他的学习有至关重要的作用,且有助于他变得更自信。 Not only is it ______________________ to his study,but it helps him to become more confident as well. 4.突然,他看到一个巨大的房间,里面有些奇怪的生物。 All of a sudden,he saw a vast room ________________________________. 5.他紧紧地抓住那根绳子以防漂远。 He ______________ the rope in case he would float away. 6.轻音乐让这个孩子睡得很香。 The light music ____________________ to sleep soundly. Ⅳ.单项填空 1.What he had done with it only ________ our trouble. A.added to B.added up to C.added up D.were added to 2.The RealCine experience will amaze you,and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserves ________ further. A.to be developed B.to develop C.to be developing D.developing 3.I need one more stamp before my collection ________. A.has completed B.completes C.has been completed D.is completed 4.Would you________ it________ to the next person? A.pass;by B.bring;down C.pass;on D.bring;on 5.I have no time to go out,________,I am too tired. A.besides B.except C.ex


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