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Unit 3 Task;listening for the gist;3. Will the topic be different if you move to another place to talk? 4. Will it be different if you are doing something else while you are talking?;When we are listening to get the gist, we should try to find out:;Listen to a short conversation and complete the note sheet below:;Mr Pitt: Students, please take some notes while we discuss the final question. Do you think we should learn from our past experiences? What do you think, Betty? Betty: Yes, Mr Pitt, I think we should. We can make mistakes, because we are human, but we’d better ; not make the same mistake a second time. That’s why we should learn from our past experiences. Mr Pitt: That’s right. What’s your opinion, Wang? Wang: I agree with the idea of learning from the past, Mr Pitt. Actually there’s a saying to express the same meaning in Chinese.; If we put it into English, it’s ‘Don’t forget things in the past. They could be your teacher in the future.’ Mr Pitt: That makes a lot of sense. Now we know one more Chinese saying. Thank you, Wang. OK, that’s all for today. See you in next week’s history class. ;Don’t forget to bring your report on one of the historical events on the list. See you then.;Step 1: finding useful expressions;The conversation takes place in a (3) classroom / restaurant / library. The title of the girl’s talk is (4) _________________.;Listen to the conversation again and pay much attention to the details: ;2. Expressing thanks to the audience * Informal: Thanks for coming. I’m so glad you could all join us. Thank you for coming to the talk today. * Formal: Thank you


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