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第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 Unit 1 Reading导学案 班级: 姓名: 学习目标: 1.学习如何阅读故事。2. 使学生能够读懂这篇故事。 重点难点: 1.帮助学生阅读这篇故事。2.分析故事的要素。 学法指导: 多次阅读,自主、合作与探究法。 课时安排:1课时。 学习过程: 【独立自学】(A级) I. Self-study Task 1: 1. Read the Reading strategy and answer the question. What are the elements in a story? 2. Use the reading strategy to fill in the form. Where: _______________________________ When weather:_______________________ Part 1 Who: ________________________________ (L1-5) What: ________________________________ Polly’s thought:_________________________ Task 2: Read the text and finish the following exercises. 1. Part A on P2. 2. Part C1 and C2 on P4. 【合作交流、质疑解难】(A B级)[来源:学科网ZXXK] II. Further understanding Task 1: Choose the best answers. ( ) HYPERLINK \o 欢迎登陆全品高考网 1. The man who helped Polly out of trouble was_____. A. an old man who always gets lost in the heavy fog. B. the man who watched Polly on the train C. a man who would do something bad to her. D. a blind man who’s tall, helpful and grateful. ( )2. When did Polly’s experience happen? A. In the early morning when it was still dark outside. B. In the afternoon when Polly was on her way back home. C. On a foggy night when everybody had to take a train. D. At lunch time when Polly was out buying some lunch. ( )3. 86 King Street is the place ___. A. Where Polly’s college is B. Where Polly’s friend lives C. Where Polly lives D. Where Polly’s office situates. ( )4. The writer mentioned the two unnamed men in order to show that ______. A. Polly was in danger. B. they wanted to help her. C. they would do something bad to her. D. Polly was too nervous. Task 2: Complete the passage according to the text.[来源:学科网] At that afternoon, Polly left work and 1.___________in



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