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课时跟踪检测;(一)根据首字母提示及英文释义写出单词 1. :communicate ideas or feelings indirectly 2. :to change the date or time of a planned event or action to a later one 3. :a period of time between two events 4. :promise to do something;5. :the power to make decisions or tell people what to do 6. :to make sb. stop breathing by squeezing his throat 7. :a date on which something special or important happened in a previous year 8. :a person whose job is designing buildings, etc.;(二)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词 9. n.部分;部件;部门 10. adj.方便用户的,便于使用的 11. n.站台,月台;平台;讲台,舞台 12. adv.遗憾地,不幸地,可惜地 → adv.幸运地→ adj.幸运的 → n.运气,(尤指)好运;13. adj.非常坏(或非常好,非常极端)的,令人难 以置信的→ adj.可信的,真实存在的→ v.相信→ n.信念 14. n.所有权,产权→ n.主人→ v.拥有adj.属于自己的 15. vt. vi.扩大,扩展,增大→ adj.大的 16. n. 增加,增长;成长,生长→ v. 增长,增 大;成长,生长;1. convey [教材P50原句] Horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs and carriages were used to convey people to and around the city centre. 用马拉的公共汽车、有轮电车、出租车和四轮马车被用来把人们送到市中心和周围地区。;(1)vt.输送,运送 ①Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi. 出租车会将你的行李送到酒店。 (2)vt.传达,表达(想法、感情等) ②I dont know how to convey my sympathy to the people in Syria. 我不知道该怎样表达对叙利亚人的同情之心。 ③I find it hard to convey my feelings in words but I still want to express my thanks. 我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情,但我仍然想表示我的感激之情。;④ from A to B   把某人或某物从A地运 送到B地 ⑤ 向某??表达…… ⑥convey ones feelings/ideas ;[语境串记] Premier Wen Jiabao conveyed his sorrow to the dead and ordered the necessities should be conveyed immediately to the earthquake-hit areas. 温家宝总理表达了对死者的哀悼,并命令立即把必需品运送到地震灾区。;2. postpone vt.延迟,延期 [教材P50原句] However, new trains had



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