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The world of our senses;Noun Clause;一.相关概念; 名词性从句 noun clause;1.When we will start is not clear. 2.Mrs Black won’t believe that her son has become a thief. 3. My idea is that we should do it right now. 4.I had no idea that you were her friend.;;It 的用法: (形式主语) It’ possible/important/necessary/clear… that……很可能/重要的是…/必要的是…/很清楚… It’ said/ reported… that..据说/据报道… It’s been announced/declared that..已经通知/宣布… It seems/appears/happens.. that…显然、明显、 碰巧.. It’s no wonder that…并不奇怪/无疑… It’s a pity/a fact /a common knowledge (众所周知) / a common saying….(俗话说);;2.用if 或whether 填空;4. It depends on ______ we will have enough money. 5. ______ they can do it matters little to us. 6._______ you are not free tomorrow , I’ll go without you. 归纳:;It is well known /reported / thought/said… that… It is clear/ necessary/ certain/ true/doubtful…that… It is a pity/a shame/an honour/ that… It doesn’t matter whether… It seems that… It happens that… ;;1).whether和if都可以引导宾语从句 a..当whether后紧跟or not时,不用if. eg: I don’t know whether I will stay or not. b.介词后面的宾语从句不能用if. eg: I worry about whether I hurt her feeling.;2).that在宾语从句中的省略与保留 a.在主+谓+it(形式宾语)+宾补+that 从句(真正宾语) 的句型中不省略. eg: We must make it clear that we mean what we say. b.由连词and连接的两个由that引导 的宾语从句中,第二个that 不省略. eg: He told me( that) he would come and that he would come on time.;;另外,在名词性从句中,我们还须特别注意以下问题:;注 意:;;;4.Time travel is possible./ There is no scientific proof for the idea.;引导名词从句的关联词。; 考点一:主语从句后置! That we shall be late is certain. -- It’s certain that we shall be late. 1. That the earth is round is known to all. -- 2. That you missed the chance is a pity. -- ;; 由连词 whether 和 if, 连接代词 what, who, which 和连接副词 when, where, why, how 等引 导.也常常后置: Whether she comes or not doesn’t concern me. If she comes or not doesn’t concern me. When and where we will g



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