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Two life-saving medicine;Reading ;;1. fit for 使符合,使适应 2. perform operations 实施手术 3.focus on以……为焦点;集中于 4. open up 打开 5. reduce the risk of 降低……的风险 6. make…from 从……中制成…… 7. took place 发生 8. distribute…to/among... 把…分发/分配给… ;9. in the form of 以……形式 10. help with 帮忙做…… 11. in contemporary society 在当今社会 12. carry out 实施,执行,进行 13. try out 试验, 选拔 14. manage to do 设法做成…… 15. in large quantities大量地 16. mass production n. 批量生产;This article will __________two medicines that have changed people’s lives. And in 1977, a study __________in the USA showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke. Buy vegetables_______________, and you’ll be given a very good discount. If you _____ ____ any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find this two kinds of medicines. ;1.As a student, you are supposed to _____________your studies. 2. With the western provinces________ ______ ,people’s living standards have been improved. 3. Wine is ______ ______ grapes. 4. who’s going to _______ _______the plan. 5. The mother _________ candy__________ children. ;1. If you open up any medicine cupborad or go to any medicine counter in the world, it is likely that you will find aspirit and penicillin. be likely to do sth. 很可能做某事 It be likely that+从句 很可能…… 2. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called DR Fleix…强调句型 It was not until World war Ⅱ that two other scientist… 强调句型 ;Impotant sentences;1.There is much chance ______ Bill recover from his injury in time for the race(天津卷) A .which B.that C.what D. whether;2. Not only_______interested in football but__________ begining to show an interest in it. (07 辽宁) A. the teacher himself is , all the students are B. the teacher himself is ,are all the students C . is the teacher himself, all the students are D . is the teacher himself, are all the students ;It was in the room _____ he usually study ____ he was killed. A where ,that B. which , which C. that , why D. that , th



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