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; Reading(2) Language points ;1. have positive effect on 对……有积极影响 1. relate to 了解,能够理解并同情;有关,涉及 2. turn to 向……求助 3. at someones command 受某人支配 4. communicate with 与……交流 5.a waste of 浪费 6. correspond with sb与某人通信 7.up to date 最新的;现代的;时髦的 8. become addicted to沉迷/溺于 9. drop out 退学,辍学;退出,脱离 10. tend to do 往往会做,易于做某事,有做……的倾向;1.也就是说 that is to say 2.需要 in need of 3.各种各样的a variety of 4.怀疑 be sceptical of 5.沉迷/溺于 be addicted to 6参与做 be involved in 7习惯于 be accustomed to 8.疲惫的,磨破的be worn out 9.浪费时间 a waste of time 10集中,关注focus on 11我的观点 in my opinion;重点句型(根据课文填空);翻译句子;Retell the text according to the following key words. ;Advantages of the Internet negative effects values: look for information; form friendship a recent survey: 80%...answers to questions; 79%...advance knowledge about hobbies Internet friendships is based on… common interests communicate with the outside world remains a positive tool;Disadvantages of the Internet drawbacks: uncontrolled information; the change … people spend their time it is difficult to judge… a famous webside said 70%... not exist affecting people’s private life families spend their time apart become addicted to… it remains important either to limit …, or to learn …;Language study Words phrases;1. command n. 命令;控制;掌握 vt. 命令;指挥,统率;控制 ;[知识拓展];2. claim vt. 宣称,声称,断言;索取,认领 n. 声明,断言;索款,索赔 ;[知识拓展] ;3. correspond vi. 通信;与……相一致,符合;相当于 ;[知识拓展] ;4. occur vi. 发生;出现,存在,被发现;被想起,被想到(常与介词to搭配) ;发生 happen I am so awfully sorry that this has occurred. 许多的交通事故发生在高峰时间。 2. 出现,存在 exist, appear E occurs in print more often than any other letter. Such plants dont occur on the island. ; 3. (某想法) 出现在脑中,被想到 经常用于以it作形式主语的句中,真正的??语可以是从句,也可以是不定式。 It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child. Didn’t it occur to you to close the window? That view of the case did not occur to me before.; ;5. address vt. ;address n. 1. 对公众的讲话 The Pr


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