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Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit Reading;;预习多维感知;2.The primary use of the Internet according to a survey done in the USA is________. A.to advance knowledge about hobbies B.to acquire knowledge from the information in libraries and museums;C.to communicate with experts on all sorts of topics D.to gather information ;3.What is the most important thing in building a Internet friendship?( ) A.Common interests. B.Appearance. C.Age. D.Popularity. ;4.The structure of the passage“The Internet has positive effects on our lives”can be described as ________. ;5.According to the passage“The Internet has negative effects on our lives”,Li Lei might support the idea of ________. A.keeping away from the Internet cafe;B.banning students from using the Internet C.not searching for information on the Internet D.getting information in traditional ways ;?Step Two:Listening Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1.What are the speeches about? __________________________________________________________________;2.The first speaker talks about the positive effects of the Internet on our lives.How many main points does he make?________________ 3.The second speaker talks about the negative effects of the Internet on our lives. ;What are the two points he makes? ____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ;?Step Three:Careful Reading Read the text and fill in the blanks. ;value;negative;?Step Four:Summary Zhu Fei and Li Lei had a debate about the advantages and 1.______________ of Internet use.Zhu Fei first analyzed the value for people who are looking for information.He also mentioned the ability to build social 2.________;and form 3.____________. Internet friendships can be built based on common 4.____________.With the help of the Internet,the disabled can 5.______________ with the outside world. ;But Li Lei listed the 6.____________effects.He think the main 7.____________ of the Internet are too much information that has not


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