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PAGE  Module 7 Unit 3 The world online Project Researching on the internet Teaching aims 1. Knowledge and skills: make students know more about how to search information online; learn new words and phrases; improve students’ reading abilities 2. Process and methods: reading comprehension; discussion; group work 3. Emotional attitude and values: learn more about how to do research on the Internet; help students know the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet Teaching procedure: ★Pre-class (课前准备) 预习生词,熟悉课文 ★During class(课堂学习) Thoughts on the design 本课引导学生进行探究式学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练从课堂内拓展到课堂外。首先向学生提供了与单元话题(The world online)相关的阅读材料,让学生从中受到启发,并引起学生的兴趣展开活动:通过小组讨论、分工合作、信息检索等形式在网上针对一个主题进行调查研究,并将调查的结果制成海报。最后,与同学们分享活动的心得,培养综合运用语言的能力。 Step One: Brainstorming: In what ways can we get information?(学生回答的同时提供给学生一些图片) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Keys: reading newspapers and magazines; watching TV programs; listening to the radio communicating with others; surfing the Internet … Step Two: Reading 一.Fast-reading What’s the topic of this passage?(主旨归纳题) Can you draw a structure of this passage? (篇章结构题) 二. Careful-reading 1. What are the things we should keep in mind when we use the Internet to do research? Step 1: choosing a search service[before] Step 2: how to search[while] Step 3: using your information[after] 2. Read the text part by part Step 1: choosing a search service[before] ▲Ask the students the following questions: ●What are the two search services mentioned in the guide? ●What do they both give us? ●Can you set some examples of search engines? Keys: Search engines and subject directories. They both give us direct links. Google, Yahoo, Lycos and Excite. ▲Comparison of the two search services: a type of computer program based on ____________ _________


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