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高一年级英语模块三Unit3 Word power教学设计 知识与技能: 1. Help the students grasp the use of some commonly used pair nouns and group nouns; 2. Develop the students’ ability of using the target language in real situation; 3. Enlarge the students’ vocabulary by learning some words about archaeology and other subject. 过程与方法:通过情景、竞赛等活动学习,归纳总结pair nouns和 group nouns的用法。扩充与考古和其他科目有关的词汇。 情感态度价值观:培养学生学习英语的兴趣,通过表达身边成对、群体事物,鼓励学生用英语思维,勇于表达。通过考古和其他科目的词汇学习,谈到各种职业以及个人的职业理想,既可教育学生体会到奋斗在各条占线上的辛苦,又可教育学生树立远大理想。今天的学习是为了明天各尽所能,各得其所。 重点:pair nouns和 group nouns的用法;考古有关的词汇。 难点:扩充与考古和其他科目有关的词汇。 教具:多媒体 教学过程:备注:Pair nouns and group nouns Step 1 Lead in The teacher starts the lesson with two questions: 1. What’ll I need if I go to the grassland of Africa? 2. What’ll I see in Africa? Introduce pair nouns and group nouns with the answers. 通过学生感兴趣的话题引入主题。互动探究与交流展示 Step2 Competition 1.The teacher give the definition of pair nouns and group nouns 2. The teacher divides the whole class into two groups and asks students to give more examples of pair noun and group nouns in the form of competition. 先确保学生对“pair nouns” 和“group nouns”的理解,然后,通过竞赛的方式,不但能激发学生的积极性,还能起到补充学习的作用。精讲点拨 Step 3 Summary 1. Ask students to summarize what they have learnt 2.Teacher summarize as follow:(PPT) flock : a group of small or mid-sized animals bunch: a number of things (usu. small and of the same kind) fastened, held, or growing together at one point. herd : a group of large animals pack: a group of animals hunting together or a complete set of playing cards swarm: a large group of insects Pay attention to: 1. A group noun is used to refer to people or things as a group. 2. We can also use the words family, crowd and team to refer to people who appear collectively.  教师进一步对学生得出的结论进行归纳、整理。使学生对本节课的重点更清晰。Step 4 Presentation Let students make a presentation using pair nouns and group nouns. For example: When you reach the zoo, what can you see? When you got to the beach, what can you see? When you arrive in Africa grass,


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