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Unit 2;Unit Two--Module 5;Step 1 important Word;11.管理,管理部门n. 12.措施,测量n.v. 13.范围n.变化 14.保护 n. 15.欣赏,赞赏n. 16.消费,消耗adj. 17.特别的,挑剔的adj. 18.吸收、理解v. 19.顾问n. 20.产量,生产n.;1.After a hot d______, we reached an agreement 2.It’s i__________ to hunt for wildlife. 3. I will a___________ it if you can help me. 4.Upon his a_______, he visited me. 5.Some businessmen are so g________ that they hide from their r____________ selling some bad goods to make a profit. 6.I have a b_________ that I can succeed by hard work.;open the floor 2. cut back on 3. raw material 4.use up/run out of 5.clean up 6. under way 7.pick out 8. let off 9.In particular 10.do one’s part 11.in/with regard to; 12. large quantities of large amounts of 13. turn into 14.take steps to do 15.from my point of view 16. recognize the importance of ;He ____________his desk after school。 Preparations for the party of the Spring Festival are well___________ We will ________________for his speech He was dressed in red, so I _________ him easily. 5. You are getting fat, so you should _____________food containing too much fat. 6. She __________________her book totally.;1. With me are Ms Lin Shuiqing, from the Green Society… 本句为 完全倒装句。 回顾完全倒装的几种情况: here, there, now, then, 等副词置于句首 表示运动方向的副词up/down/in/out 等位于句首。(主语是代词除外。) 表示地点状语或者是表语等位于句首。 Such 位于句首。 ;2.This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangzi River for water. Nor is it good news for the wide range of fish and wild life 部分倒装 否定副词或短语位于句首。 Only+状语位于句首 So/neither/nor+ be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 So/such…that 句型,so/such 位于句首。 ;---- Here ____! Where is Xiao Liu? ---- There ____. comes the bus, is he B. comes the bus, he is C. the bus comes, is he D. the bus comes, he is 2.The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor ______ it a thought. (2012重庆) does he even given B. he even gives C. will he even giveD.he will even given 3. For a moment nothing happened. Then _______ all shouting together



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