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第  PAGE 5 页 共  NUMPAGES 5 页 英语必修2译林牛津版Unit 2优质教案(第11课时) Period 11 Task Planning a holiday for your family Skills building 3: writing an e-mail Teaching Aims: 1. Enable the students to write an e-mail. 2. Help the students learn how to write an e-mail. Teaching Important and Difficult Points: Help the students grasp how to write an e-mail. Teaching Methods: Pair or group work; discussion; cooperative learning. Teaching Aids: Multi-media Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2 Skills building 3 First ask the students to read the six points about how to write an e-mail and different ways about how to end an e-mail on page 36. Then ask them to read the e- mail written by a tourist in Singapore to her friend and label the parts of the e-mail that illustrate the six points. Check the answers later. T: Since that you have known how to write an e-mail correctly, now please practice writing an e-mail in reply to Connie’s letter. I will give you five minutes to do it. Five minutes later, ask some students to read out their letters. A sample e-mail Date: 26 June From: ellen@ To: connie@ Subject: Reply to Singapore Hello Connie! I’m very glad to receive your e-mail. It is a happy thing to travel. And Singapore is a pretty beautiful and clean country. Since you like animals very much, you can visit Jurong Birdpark, Singapore Zoo and Underwater World, besides Night Safari. Last summer holiday when I went to Singapore, I visited Underwater World, which I think is so great. It shows people an awe-inspiring beauty of a whole different world beneath the sea. And there are many marine species, such as the black tip and white tip sharks, eagle rays, and big-belly seahorses, etc. I have finished my exams and now I can have a good rest. Every day I go to Xinhua Library to read the books I like. Please call me as soon as you get back, I cannot wait to hear your stories in Singapore. Have a good time! Love,



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