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In less than five weeks, takers of the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies will face a defining moment — all those months of hard work will finally pay off in the exam. It’s common for students to feel nervous and uncertain, but their predecessors have some tips to help them get through the final?phase. 还有不到五周时间,“考研大军”将迎来决定性时刻——数月的刻苦努力将在考研中一见分晓。考生们普遍感到紧张和不安,而前辈们则友情提供了一些帮助他们度过最后难关的小诀窍。 Get used to the exam 适应考试 English and politics are the two major tests in the entrance exam. For the former, many believe that it is daily work that matters, but Yue Xiaoli, 23, a postgraduate student at Beijing Jiaotong University thinks that preparation during the final period determines how good one will perform in the real exam. 英语和政治是考研重头戏。尽管很多人都认为学好英语关键在于日常积累,但来自北京交通大学、23岁的研究生岳晓丽(音译)却认为,冲刺阶段是否有备而战才是决定考研成败的关键。 Yue took the entrance exam in 2013, and got 77 in the English test. Her approach was to do old exams and?simulation?exams in the month leading up to the exam. 2013年时,岳晓丽参加考研,英语考了77分。她的方法就是在考前的一个月里,做大量的历年真题和模拟试题。 “I have several friends who were also preparing for the entrance exam. We did old exams and?simulationexams together on a daily basis, not only to check our language?proficiency, but also to experience and get used to the real exam atmosphere,” says Yue. 她说:“我的几个朋友当时也在准备考研。我们每天都会一起做真题和模拟试题。这样不仅可以测试我们的语言水平,更能让我们提前演练,尽快适应实战环境。” She allowed herself as much time for the?simulation?exam as in the real exam. She wanted to make sure that she was as well prepared for the exam as possible. 做模拟试题时,她规定自己要在正式考试的时间内答完。她想确保自己准备得万无一失。 Memorize for the writing part 写作部分靠熟记 Similarly, Yao Zhongtao, a hydraulic engineering major postgraduate at Tsinghua University, did both old and?simulation?exams every day when he was preparing for the entrance exam. The 23-year-old student took the exam in 2013 for the second time and ranked second in the?preliminary?exam. 清华大学水力工程学专业研究生姚忠涛(音译)在考研备考时,也是每日真题、模拟试题两手抓。23岁的他于2013年第二次参加考研,初试成绩名列第二。 “I took the exam in 2012, but didn’



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