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Oxford Bookworms Library Starter  PAGE 12 Comprehension Test 阅读理解 The White Stones 白色巨石 Lester Vaughan (著) 1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(F) a __ Chris comes from Ireland. b __ Chris is on holiday on the island. c __ Chris is renting the old house. d __ Chris thinks that the stone near the house is about 4,000 years old. e __ Sarah comes from London. f __ The small stone is red on top. g __ June 21 is the longest day of the year. h __ It is raining on June 21. i __ The people sing at Clayonag on June 21. j __ Many people on the island like archeologists. 20 marks 2 Put the following events in the story in the right order. Number them 1–10. 为下列事件排序。 a __ Chris arrives at the house that he is renting. b __ Chris starts to drive to Clayonag. c __ Chris sees some writing on the door of the house. d __ Chris drives fast. e __ The red car drives fast. f __ Chris gets on the ferry. g __ Chris sees a red car behind him. h __ A tree falls in front of Chris’s car. i __ Chris arrives on Skaran. j __ Chris meets Sarah. 20 marks 3 Who says this? Who do they say it to? Chris, Sarah, Doctor O’Connor, a policeman, a woman 选择适当的词填空。 a ‘I want to study the megalithic stones.’ ……………… says this to ……………… b ‘Are you staying at the old house?’ ……………… says this to ……………… c ‘You must go there early in the morning.’ ……………… says this to ……………… d ‘Perhaps you need to go home to London.’ ……………… says this to ……………… e ‘You’re in hospital.’ ……………… says this to ……………… 20 marks 4 Match the place in A with the description in B. 从B部分中挑选合适的选项与A搭配。 A 1 Los Angeles. 2 The stones of Clayonag. 3 Langrun. 4 The tomb at Clayonag. 5 The tomb by Chris’s house. B a Sarah takes things from here. b People go there on 21 June. c It is dark inside. d There are shops here. e Sarah comes from here. 20 marks 5 Match a word from A with a definition from B. 从B部分中挑选合适的选项与A搭配。 A B 1 archaeologist a a place where people work on ca


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