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New Concept English(Book 1) (新概念英语)(第一册);I miss my hometown;Warm up;Ask Answer;;Everyday English;Lesson 35 Our village 我们的村庄;★photograph n. 照片;photograph n. 照片(正式) photo (非正式) 复数photos I want to take a photo. picture 照片(美) take a photograph/ picture/photo 拍照 “……的”用of,无生命的东西表示所属 a photograph of a city/ our village ;take a photo 照张相 我可以给它照张相吗? Can I take a photo of it? 不准照相 No photos. birds’ nest;villager:村民 Our village is in a valley. ;between 在..之间(两者之间) Buses go between the two cities. 公车穿梭在两个城市之间。 It’s between you and me. 不要让其他人知道。 You can choose between your mother and your father. 你可以在你爸妈之间选一个。;between 在..之间(两者之间) among 在…之间(三者或三者以上的之间) Which student is the best one among them? I like this one best among these. 在这些中,我最喜欢这个。;between和among; 3) between还可以用来指三个或三个以上的人或物的每两个之间。三个或三个以上的名词用and连接,前面用between,而不用among。如:There does not seem much difference between the three of them. 这三者之间似乎没有很大的区别。 4) among可用来表示一个比较的范围,常与最高级连用。如:Yokohama is among (= one of) the largest seaports in the Far East. 横滨为远东最大港口之一。 ;【实战演习】;用between 或among填空。 1. _________ the door and the windows there is a map. 2. They divided the money _________ themselves. 3. Near the cemetery (墓地), _________ the trees, there is something shining, perhaps bayonets(刺刀). 4. Switzerland lies _________ France, Germany, Austria and Italy. 参考答案:1. Between 2. among / between (注:用among,they至少是三个人;用between, they是两个人。) 3. between 4. between ;★hill n. 小山;★ another另一个,再一个;★ wife:妻子,老婆 (复数wives) ;★ along 沿着(河流,大街,墙壁等) 沿着大街走 walk along the street 沿着珠江跑 run along the Pearl River along-across横穿(表面) ;bank:银行;河岸 the banks of the river beach:海滩 沙滩 coast:海滩,专业地理词 shore:海滨,海岸 sea shore 海滨;bank 河岸,银行 Why is the river so rich? Because it has two banks. ;★water n. 水(不可数名词) waters 水域 翻译: 桌上有一些水。 water(v.) the flowers 给花浇水 ★swim v. 游泳 go swimming 去游泳 swimming pool 游泳池 He is swimming along/across the river.; building;★park n. 公园 v. 停车 park the car here parking lot 停车场 No parking. 不许停车   


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