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Lesson 45 The boss’s letter (本课重点语法:名词所有格) ;New words and expressions; ★ can 能够 Can you make the tea? Can you be my girlfriend? 过去式could, 表请求时,语气更委婉些 Could you help me, please?;★ boss n. 老板,上司 boss’s 老板的 He is my boss.他是我的老板。 You are the boss! 扩展:boss+y= bossy 非正好发号施令的,专横的 She is so bossy! she is stingy[’st?nd?i:] , narrow- minded and?bossy. 她小气,心胸狭窄,又拔扈。 be nice to sb. 对某人很好 Our boss is nice to us. 我们老板对我们很好。;Your boss is your boss just because he (she ) has a larger vocabulary than you have . (你老板的词汇量比你的词汇量大。这是他为什么会成为你老板的一个重要原因。) ;★minute n. 分(钟);★ ask /ɑ:sk/ (英) ?/?sk/(美) (1) 问 ask sb sth 问某人… ask me a question Can I ask you a question? 问我一个问题 If you have any questions, please ask me now. ask him the way 向他问路;(2) 要求,请求 ask sb to do 要求某人做… ask sb not to do 要求某人不要做… I ask him to do that. ask for sth 请求,要求某样东西 Can I ask for some food? She is asking for our help! You asked for it?你自找的。 ask sb for sth 向某人要… ask me for some help ;★ handwriting 书写 hand(手)+ writing(写) 拓展:calligraphy [k?’liɡr?fi] 书法 very clear handwriting 非常清晰的字迹 His handwriting is bad. 他的字迹潦草。 ;★terrible adj. 糟糕的,可怕的 (1)糟糕的 1)-How are you today? -Terrible! 2)-How do you like the movie? 你觉得那部电影如何? -It’s terrible! How do you like + sth 你觉得…如何? ;(2)可怕的 She is a terrible woman. terrible weather 糟糕的天气 terrible traffic 糟糕的交通 terrible accident 严重的事故 adj. 极度的;非常严重的 I’ve got a terrible headache. adj. 糟透的(口语);很蹩脚的 She is terrible at maths. 她的数学很蹩脚。 He is good at? maths.? 他擅长数学。 ;It’s a terrible day! 可以指心情,天气,相貌,味道等 I feel terrible! Oh, my god! She looks terrible!!! The Japanese food is terrible! The movie is terrible! horrible [‘h?r?bl] adj. 恐怕的,毛骨悚然的 ;terribly adv. =very badly;Listen to the tape, and then answer the questions. Q1.Where is Pamela ? Q2.Who are talking? Q3.Can Pamela type the letter for her boss ? Why? ;Lesson 45 The boss’s letter老板的信;Notes on the text;today’s newspaper 今天的报纸 Natasha’s Mr. Right Natasha的白马王子 Mary’s toy 玛丽的玩具 Men’


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