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PAGE  PAGE 5 专心 爱心 用心 八年级1-3单元英语单元检测卷 班级 姓名 分数 词组翻译 (20分) 1.多久一次 2. 去远足 __________ 3.保持健康 __________ 4. 发烧 __________ 5. 传统中医__________ 6. 去渡假 __________ 7.照顾 8.对……有好处 9.一个星期两次 10.健康的生活方式__________ 二、单项选择(40分) ( ) 11. do you shop? I shop every week. A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How far ( ) 12. He’s ill. He must go to ______ a doctor in the hospital. A. look B. watch C. see D. read ( ) 13. I can’t sleep, so I ______ listen to quiet music, and I ______ listen to exciting music. A. should,should B. shouldn’t, shouldn’t C. should,shouldn’t D. can,don’t ( ) 14. He is going camping ______ 6:00______ the morning of July 21st. A. in; on B. on; at C. at; on D. at; in ( ) 15. They eat many but little _. A. vegetable; meat B. vegetables; meats C. vegetable; meats D. vegetables; meat ( ) 16. It’s important ______ a lot of water when you have a cold. A. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. for drinking ( )17. I can’t wait ______ my new bike—my birthday present from my parents. A. to see B. see C. to seeing D. seeing ( ) 18. Is her lifestyle _______ yours or different? A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to ( ) 19. Although he is very old, ________he works very hard. A. and      B. but C. /      D. so ( ) 20. My mother is ill in hospital. ______. A. What’s the matter? B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. I’m not feeling well. D. She’ll be all right soon. ( ) 21. Only ______girls can dance well in our class. A. a few B. a little C. little D .few ( ) 22. Come here after class, I have ______ to tell you. A. anything important B. important anything C. important something D. something important ( )


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