2016第7讲 投资银行的自营业务.ppt

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2016第7讲 投资银行的自营业务

第七讲 投资银行的自营业务;☆Proprietary Trading;2.主动管理策略(active bond management strategy) 1) bond portfolio rebalancing activities (by Homer and Liebowitz) ?the substitution swap ? the intermarket spread swap ? the rate anticipation swap ? the pure yield pickup swap (净收益改善调换) ;2)Horizon Analysis 骑乘收益率曲线策略(riding the yield curve);;;指数型股票基金的构建;;Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation; 隐含波动率与期权头寸选取 ; 附1:巴菲特的投资哲学 ——The philosophy of value-based investing;5.On diversification. Buffett disagreed with conventional wisdom that investors should hold a broad portfolio of stocks in order to shed company-specific risk. ;6. Investing behavior should be driven by information, analysis, and self-discipline, not by emotion or “hunch”(直觉). “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.”; 7. Alignment of agents and owners. “I will keep well over 99% of my net worth in Berkshire. My wife and I have never sold a share nor do we intend to.” Explaining his significant ownership in Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett said, “I am a better businessman because I am an investor. And I am a better investor because I am a businessman.” ; For four of Berkshire ’ six directors, over 50% of their family net worth was represented by shares in Berkshire Hathaway. ;附2. 比尔·米勒与价值基金; 在美国,在一年中战胜标普500指数的共同基金管理人被认为是成功的,如果他们连续两年做到这一点,人们会开始关注他们,当他们能使这一壮举持续五年更长的时间,他们会得到那些只有卓越出众的投资专家才能得到的赞誉。; 比尔·米勒三世(Bill Miller III)管理的股票型共同基金——莱格曼森价值基金(Legg Mason Value Trust)的业绩连续14年好于标普500指数的表现,平均年总收益为14.6%,超出SP500 指数3.67个百分点。; 对比尔·米勒的评价: Bill miller’s success is so far off the charts that you have to ask whether it is a superman. Quite simply, fund managers are not supposed to be this good. Is it mortal genius, or is it celestial luck?; 米勒20世纪50年代在北佛罗里达长大,他的父亲是一名货车调度站的管理员,支付了每周开销之后,他的父亲没剩下多少钱,但他留出一些钱来购买股票,并且向他儿子灌输投资的重要性这一观念。 米勒9岁就开始尝试做些投资,16岁时购买了第一只股票RCA。; 米勒接触到传奇性人物本杰明·格雷罕姆和沃伦


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