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Higher Vocational English;;;;Part I : Speaking Activity;Part I : Speaking Activity;Part I : Speaking Activity;Part I : Speaking Activity;Part I : Speaking Activity; Tom: Good morning, Candy. How are you today? Candy: I’m doing fine. How about you? Tom: Great, thanks. So, what’s the status of our advertising campaign? Candy: As I mentioned before, a national campaign will start next month. We’ve decided to use a variety of media for full coverage. First, we’ll have 30-second spots on television once a day for 3 weeks. At the same time, we’ll do 15-second radio commercials 3 times a day in selected cities with large populations. Finally, we’ll have some outdoor ads using billboards near the main entrances to big cities. ; Tom: What style will the ads be? Candy: We’re focusing on slice of life, showing how you can beat the summer heat by biting into a cool ice-cream sandwich. We’ll also show everyone there are variety of flavors and they’re not stuck with just vanilla. Tom: Sounds like an ideal approach. Will we have a new slogan? Candy: Definitely. The advertising agency’s working on that right now. They’ll have some proposals ready by the end of the week. Tom: Sounds like we’ll have a winner on our hands! ; Helen: We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market. Lemond: Certainly. We’ve done some tactical planning already. We think we’ve come up with a good plan. Helen: What media do you plan to use? Lemond: Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we’ve asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the Internet first. Helen: So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.; Lemond: Yes. We’ll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition. Helen: Will there be any direct mail? Lemond: No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers. Helen: Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I’ll


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