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Plan and Arrangement(计划与安排) 计划就是对即将开展的事务的设想和安排,如提出任务,指标,完成时间和步骤方法等。 有了计划,工作就有了明确的目标和具体的步骤,就可以协调大家的行动,建立正常的工作秩序,提高效率。 我们常常要制定计划,例如:学习计划,工作计划,日程安排等等。编写计划和安排并没有固定的格式,根据不同的需要可以选择列表,也可不列成表格,但要明确清楚。 Liyi Working Plan for the Week (May 15-May 19) MorningAfternoonMonday Read letters.Prepare materials for Mr. Smiths Dalian meeting.TuesdaySee Mr. Smith off.Go to the post officeWednesdayPrepare for the afternoon meeting.Meeting on developing Hongkong tourism market.ThursdayWrite a memo for the Wednesday meeting.Meet Mr. Smith at the airport at 5 p.m.FridayWrite a report to the general manager.Make a working plan for the next week.Lier 7:15 a.m. Wake up and Morning Activities 8 a.m. Breakfast 9 a.m. Classes 12:15 p.m. Lunch and free time 2 p.m. Read books in the library 5 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m. Free time 7 p.m. Prepare for the meeting on Tuesday 8:30 p.m. Snacks 9:15 p.m. Small group meetings with mentors 10 p.m. Lights out Task 1: You are required to complete the following plan according to the following instructions given in Chinese. 请结合自己的实际完成下面的计划,安排一天的学习生活:起床和晨练,早餐,上午的课程,午餐,下午的课程,体育锻炼,到图书馆看书,熄灯等。6 a.m. Wake up and _________________ 7 a.m. Breakfast 8:10 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Classes 11:50 p.m.-1:30 p.m. ____________________________ 1:30 p.m.-3:10 p.m. ____________________________ 4:30 p.m. Play basketball 6 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m ____________________________ 9:30 p.m. Go back to the dormitory 10 p.m. ________________________________ Task 2: You are required to make a plan according to the following instructions given in Chinese. 一个加拿大代表团将于3月16日



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