1415高中英语人教版课后限时自测28选修7 Units1-2.doc

1415高中英语人教版课后限时自测28选修7 Units1-2.doc

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1415高中英语人教版课后限时自测28选修7 Units1-2.doc

第  PAGE 6 页 共  NUMPAGES 6 页 课后限时自测(二十八) Ⅰ.语法填空 People with thin bodies are everywhere—in magazines,all over the Internet. You never seem to be as perfect. But you might want to stop__1__(compare) yourself to super models, __2__scientists have just found out that feeling fat can actually make you fat. Children“seeing themselves__3__fat, even though they are not, can cause them to become overweight as adults”,Koenraad Cuypers,__4__researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, told Science Daily. Back in 1995—1997, a health survey__5__(conduct)among 1,196 normal weight teenagers, both boys and girls, in Norway. Ten years later__6__they had grown to be between 24 and 30 years of age, half of__7__still had normal weights.However,among those who were overweight,scientists found a clear difference. The result showed that 59 percent of the girls who felt fat became overweight as women, and 63 percent of the boys who felt fat put on weight as men.__8__contrast, of the girls who didnt think they were fat, only 31 percent were obese later in life. Scientists say too much stress is related to gaining weight around the waist. “Another__9__ (explain) may be that young people who see themselves as fat often change their eating habits by skipping meals,__10__can lead to obesity.”Cuypers says. 【语篇解读】 你是否还在为感觉自己很胖而烦恼呢?赶快停止这种想法吧!研究调查表明感觉肥胖可能真的会导致肥胖。 1.comparing 考查非谓语动词。stop doing sth.意思为“停止做某事”。 2.because 考查连词。根据上下文可知,该句是解释原因。 3.as 考查介词。see sb./sth.as...意思为“认为某人/某物具有某种特点”。 4.a 考查冠词。这里表示他作为一个研究者,表泛指,故用a。 5.was conducted 考查时态和语态。开展调查这一动作发生在过去,所以用过去时;conduct与survey是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用被动语态。 6.when 考查连词。when引导一个时间状语从句,意思为“十年后当他们到24至30岁的时候”。 7.them 考查代词。指代上文的“1,196 normal weight teenagers”,在介词后面用宾格。 8.In 考查介词。in contrast“相比之下”,为固定短语,这里表示前后两种情况形成对比。 9.explanation 考查名词。空处应用explain的名词形式,指“另一种解释”。 10.which 考查非限制性定语从句。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子。 Ⅱ.阅读理解 A There are eight species of dolphins in Hawaii.The bottle-nosed dolphin is the most common type



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