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第一单元 Systems in the United States Today Americans use approximately 150 to 200 gpcd of water (including commercial usage) and domestic use is approximately 60 gpcd. On the average, over 37 bil gal of water daily are consumed in this country, most of it treated by a public water utility. 如今,美国人均日用水量约为150至200加仑,家庭人均日用水量约为60加仑,平均全国日用水量达到370亿多加仑,其中大部分有公用供水设施进行处理。 The story of the development of the public water-supply systems in the US is not only the story of the water-supply field , but the story of a growing country as well; water and its many uses have been integral facets of the growth and expansion of the US. As a matter of record, the transformation of the US from a rural, agricultural nation to an urban, industrialized world power has in fact depended to a large degree on the water supply and the engineering needed to provide large amounts of water for domestic use, industry and that of commerce. 美国公用供水系统的发展史不仅是供水领域的历史,而且是一个不断发展的国家的历史,水及其诸多的用途一直是美国成长与发展必不可少的重要方面。根据正式记载,美国从一个乡村化的农业国家转变成一个城市化的工业强国,在很大程度上确实依赖于供水和为生活,工业及商业提供大量用水所需的工程建设。 The earliest recorded public water-supply system in the US is credited to the City of Boston, Mass., in 1652. In these early days, people saw little need for a public water-supply system because the service offered did not appear to be as good as people could get from a private well or cistern. Water was good if it looked clean-sparkling , clear, cool and free from foreign taste or odor. Such water was readily available from the backyard well Most never stopped to think that typhoid, dysentery, cholera, and summer complaint could be caused by the water. which all too frequently came from a well not too distant from the family outhouse. 美国有记载的最早公用供水系统当属1652年马萨诸塞州的波士顿城。在早些那些年代,人们对建公用用水系统不屑一顾,因为其所提供的服务似乎还不如人们使用自家的水井或蓄水池方便。水只要看上去干净,即晶莹清澈凉爽,且无怪异的味道或气味,便是好水。这样的水在后院里随时可取。大多数人断无想到伤寒痢疾霍乱和夏季易发疾病回因水而引起,而这水却频频取自离居家户外厕所不太远的井中。 It was not until after 1875 that scientific knowledge e


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