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前厅部分;总台接待 Reception Clerk 门童 doorman 行李员 bellman 泊车员 parking attendant 入住常用语 住宿登记单 registration card\form 信封 envelope 行李车 luggage car 保险箱 safe box 大床 king size bed 双床 twin beds 加床 extra bed 标准间 standard 套房 suite ; ;;礼宾用语;7.不用客气. 很乐意为您效劳. You are welcome.It s my pleasure. 8.王先生, 请问您一共有几件行李? Mr. Wang, how many piece of luggage do you have? 9.王先生,这是您的行李牌, 请妥善保管. This is your luggage tag, Mr. Wang. Please keep it well. 10.请您在取行李的时候出示您的行李牌. Please show the luggage tag upon you collecting your luggage. 11.王先生, 在礼宾部那边有一个您的电话. Mr. Wang, there is a telephone call for you at concierge. 12.您将以怎样的方式来结账呢?记到房费还是付现金? How would you like to settle your payment? Charge to your room or by cash? ;13.请问您的行李里有贵重或易碎物品吗? Do you have any valuable or breakable articles in your luggage? 14.您需要我们为您购买车票吗? Would you need us to buy the tickets for you? 15.王先生, 谢谢您的宝贵意见,对给您造成的不便, 请接受我们诚挚的道歉. Thank you, Mr. Wang for bringing this problem to our attention and please accept our sincere apologies for all inconvenience caused to you. 16.您好, 王先生, 我将领您去您的房间, 这边请. Nin hao, Mr. Wang, I will show you to your room, this way please. 17.王先生, 这是您的房间, 请在这里插入钥匙取电. Mr. Wang, this is your room, please insert the key here to bring up all the electricity power.;16.您好, 王先生, 我将领您去您的房间, 这边请. Nin hao, Mr. Wang, I will show you to your room, this way please. 17.王先生, 这是您的房间, 请在这里插入钥匙取电. Mr. Wang, this is your room, please insert the key here to bring up all the electricity power. 18.王先生, 您需要我为您介绍一下房间的设施吗? Mr. Wang, would you like me to explain the facilities? 19.王先生, 在房间的壁橱内有一个电子储物柜, 请参照使用说明. 另外,在前台也提供有保险箱服务. Mr.Wang, we have an in room safety box and its located in the closet here and also safety deposit box at Front Desk is available. Please refer to the using card.;20.王先生, 在电视机柜里有一个储藏丰富的小冰箱. 吹风机在写字台的右边抽屉里. Mr. Wang, we have a fully stocked Mini bar under the TV cabinet.We also have a hair dryer located in the right drawer of the writing desk. 21.王先生, 这是宽带网


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