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About the electronic version Shi Jing [Book of Odes] Anonymous Creation of machine-readable version: Xuepen Sun and Xiaoqian Zheng, University of Virginia Chinese Text Initiative Creation of digital images: Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Xuepen Sun and Xiaoqian Zheng, University of Virginia Chinese Text Initiative University of Virginia Library Charlottesville, Virginia Chinese, AnoShih Publicly-accessible URL: /chinese 1998 Chinese Text Initiative Chinese characters which were not available in the Chinese word processor (NJStar) were substituted with synonymous characters. About the print version Shi Ji Zhuan Zhu Xi Zhong Hua Xue Yi She Shanghai 1936 Print copy consulted: in UVa Makiam collection The English translation text was taken from The Chinese Classics, vol. 4 by James Legge (1898) and checked against a reprinted edition by Wen Zhi Zhe chu pan she (Taiwan, 1971). Transliteration of Chinese names in the English translation were converted to PinYin from Legges own. Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center. The images exist as archived TIFF images, one or more JPEG versions for general use, and thumbnail GIFs. Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Center scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings. English Chinese Revisions to the electronic version August 1998 corrector Christine Ruotolo, Electronic Text Center Created TEI header; parsed text and fixed tagging errors. etextcenter@ . Commercial use prohibited; all usage governed by our Conditions of Use: /conditions.html 詩集傳序 或有問予曰、詩何為而作也。予應之曰、人生而靜、 天之性也、感於物而動、 性之欲也 。夫既有欲矣、 則不能無思。 既有思矣、則不能無言。既有言矣、 則言之所不能盡、 爾發於咨嗟詠歎之餘者、必有自然之音響節族﹙音奏﹚而不能已焉。 此詩之所以作也。曰、然則其所以教者何也。曰、詩者、人心之感物而形於言之餘也。心之所感而邪正、故言之所形有是非。惟聖人在上、則其所感者無不正、而其言皆足以為教。其或感之之雜、而所發不能無可擇者、則上之人必思所以自反、而因有以勸懲之、是亦所以為教也。昔周盛之時、 上自郊廟朝廷而下達於鄉黨閭巷、其言粹然而不出於正者、 聖人固已協之聲律、而用之鄉人、用之邦國、以化天下。至於列國之詩、則天子巡狩、亦必陳而觀之、 以行黜陟之典。降自昭穆而後、寖以陵夷。至於東遷、而遂廢不講矣。孔子生於其時、既不得位、無以行勸黜陟之政、於是特舉其籍而討論之、去其重複、正其紛亂、而其善之不足以為法、惡之不足以為戒者、則亦刊而去之


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